Level 6 Walkabout Bug

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Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by Draken »

I just found out about this, we all (or most of us) know about this secret in the walkabout part of level 6, where you have to lap 3 times the area... well, as you know on the 2nd lap a skeleton will pop up, if you kill it on the spot and leave the shield or spear there, the bag will never appear, no matter how many more laps you do.

Move the shield AND spear out of the way, one tile away, or anywhere in that tile EXCEPT the NORTH edge, where the bag should spawn. do another lap around the Walkabout, and the bag should appear, granting you your secret and prize.
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by Gunnar »

I second that.

After finishing the game on difficulty "normal", I am now on my second playthrough on "hard" with the DRM free version (v1.1.3 is shown in the main menu) from www.gog.com

I experienced a similar problem. However, in my case, it was not sufficient to move the shield and spear (that the skeleton warriors drops after he is killed) some tiles away or to pick it up. I was only able to obtain the bag by luring the skeleton outside of the walkabout area into the main hall and killing it there. After two more rounds the bag appeared.

On my first playthrough though, I do not remember any problems here. It is likely that I did not pick up the shield and spear of the skeleton back then.

Results are reproducable, I tried both ways over sevral times.

I know I am not using the most recent version, but nothing of this was noted in the patch notes for the updated version.
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by Phlimm »

I just finished this a little while back and I saw a rock appear the first time through. I picked that up and did another walk through to get the skelly. I lured him a few squares away and tossed the shield and spear outside the whole area after they dropped. It took what seemed like more than three walk throughs to get the bag to drop but it did. Did anyone else get a rock on the first pass or is that just a random item drop that could have been anything?
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by PSY »

I can remember the rock from the first pass
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by Gunnar »

You are right.

1st pass: rock
2nd pass: skeleton
3rd or 4th pass: bag

However, I tried rougly a dozend runs and it did not work out, i.e. the bag did not appear.

After having killed the skeleton in the main hall (outside "Walkabout") the bag appeared on the 3rd or 4th complete round (one click from each of the hidden pressure plates per round).
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by Phlimm »

When you walk there now, do you hear the clicks still? If so, then the quest is not completed and it may still be possible to get the bag. If not, I think it sees the reward as given and the quest complete.
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by Gunnar »

OK let me try to explain it in more detail, seems i was not making myself clear in my posts before:

I enter the "walkabout" for the first time in the game and walk over the invisble pressure plates, hearing clicks every time I pass one:
- 1st complete round (three clicks): rock appears
- 2nd complete round (three clicks): skeleton appears, I kill it right on the spot where it appeared
- After that I can complete as many more rounds as I want to (clicks are heard every time I pass one of the invisibile plates), the bag will not appear

It does not help to pick up or move the spear and the shield the dead skeleton dropped. I am not able to let the bag appear.

The only solution is to
- load a savegame (where I have not entered "walkabout" before)
- enter the "walkabout" for the first time in the game
- complete the 1st round = the stone appears
- complete the 2nd round = the skeleton appears
- lure the skeleton into the main hall and slay it there
- complete the 3rd round (sometimes a fourth is neccessary) = the bag appears
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by Phlimm »

Hm sounds like a bona fide bug. I did not encounter this because I was spoiled on this room and saw the discussion about it. But I probably would not have anyway because I always try to lure them out to where I know the terrain before fighting.

BUT...just for "fun", what is the path that you now walk when you hear the clicks? I went clockwise starting at the entrance and never touched the middle section. I just went around the perimeter.
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by Gunnar »

There is only one correct order. Starting with the plate in the south, you have to walk the outer perimeter clockwise to make the pressure plates click.

In addition there seems to be a time limit. After having activated plate one you only have around three seconds to activate plate two. If you do not reach the second plate in this timeframe, the second plate can not be activated (at least it does not click when you pass it) and you have to start over with the first plate. The time limit between plate two and three - if any - is much longer though.
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Re: Level 6 Walkabout Bug

Post by PSY »


I just tried to reproduce the walkabout-bug.
I loaded a savegame where I just had completed level 5.
Went down to level 6, killed the 3 spiders, went straight to the walkabout.

First round, stone appeared. Didn't pick up stone.
Second round, skeleton appeared. Killed skeleton right on spot. Left spear and shield on ground.
Third round, bag appeared.

Reloaded, followed the same procedure, but didn't pick up stone. Same result. Bag appeared.

You don't happen to have a savegame you could send me, so I could try and reproduce your bug?

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