Patch Cheat protection

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Patch Cheat protection

Post by DJK »


Before the patch it was easy to find the "double integer" value that controlled your skill points. I used it to make a party of 4x6x50 skill points. However after the patch, while the value is still real easy to find, it seems to be controlled by something else, seems to refresh every ondraw or something.. now I didn't give it to much time yet and I'm sure I'll find it.. but I was wondering why you would do this ?

It's a single player game, noone cares if you want to start with a maxed out party right ? I don't care for combat either.. Im all for exploration :) So I don't get why they'd deliberately add a layer of protection.. the stat points didn't change, those are still the original double value of old..

If I only wanted to neglect combat you can still do this:

Search for a value of 0 using a double as the byte type. Then use an attack and press esc to bring up the menu. Search for increased value, then uppause for a split second and then search for decreased value. When your able to attack again search for a 0 once again. Repeat this until you find the cooldown value. It's fairly easy to do using unchanged scans can help to if you how what your doing.

If you lock the skill to zero you can attack unlimited times in a row! It will still appear as though your attacks are blacked out waiting for the cooldown to reset however you can attack even in cooldown. Each member of the party has there own one. So you have to repeat this more times if you want. When you find the values don't forget to pointerscan so you don't loose them.

I made a macro which clicks the right mouse button rapidly... I can kill any enemy I come across within 1 second. I can hit 5-20 attacks per second.

But as Im a perfectionist I don't feel "right" unless my party at the end of the game has a perfect all 50 stats... I know this post probably won't make them revert the change but I just like to know the reasonings behind this. (please don't tell me just to play the game as it is meant to be played, I did that on my first playthrough already... after that I want to do it "the way I want" :))
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Re: Patch Cheat protection

Post by Darklord »

Moved to modding.

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Re: Patch Cheat protection

Post by DJK »

Cheat Engine isn't really "modding" :p Modding is suually a tad harder and takes more effort :) But np's... just find it weird they would add protection to a single player game... let peepz play how they like it..
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Re: Patch Cheat protection

Post by Patch »

It may not have been something to intentionally stop cheating. They may have made some other change, that happened to affect your ability to cheat.
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Re: Patch Cheat protection

Post by DJK »

Hmm it's only on char gen screen.. ingame the value doesn't get refreshed ondraw so parties of all 50 are still possible :) hurray :lol:
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Re: Patch Cheat protection

Post by Shoonay »

I've tried Cheat Engine with the game today (of course I've already finished it "legally" ;)), we can still "grab" and change the attribute points and max-out our str/dex/vit/will, but - like DJK said - skill points of all characters can be "grabbed" and even changed, but they return to normal if we switch to that character and try to distribute them.
Still, if we "grab" them (find the addressess) on the char creation screen and start the game we can input any number we want and max-out the skills too.
Of course exp points are easily findable too and we can levelup to level 50 or even higher, dunno, hasn't tested how high.
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Re: Patch Cheat protection

Post by seebs »

This is why I wrote tools for this kind of stuff in Lua.
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