jfunk wrote:Actually, the "work" thing was referencing your first post (work smarter, not harder). I didn't feel like going back to the previous page to quote it, but assumed you would understand I was responding to all of your thoughts based on the obvious context clues.
No, I'm not upset. I don't have any problem with people not being interested in the tedium of hand mapping a video game. I would never try to convince somebody that has no interest in such an exercise that it was the "proper" way to do it. I was merely pointing out your flawed logic (automap is more efficient).
People hand map because it's fun, not because it's efficient. Clearly you see the flaw in your efficiency argument by your response to my suggestion that you just look up the results instead of playing it yourself. The same thing applies to those that prefer to hand map. Yes it takes longer, but we prefer the experience.
By the way, I should form better sentences? Did you even read your own post before clicking Submit? Read the "sentence" from your previous post beginning with the word "lastly" again.
what's the matter? never heard of a compound sentence? or are you one of those english majors that feel that "run-on sentences," american only in invention as they are, that you cannot keep track of the subject of a sentence unless it is broken up every 15 words?
also, there is nothing flawed with my logic, there is nothing illogical about my "work smarter, not harder" statement, and im sorry, but using automap is more efficient. efficiency is achieving a result with the least amount of required energy/material. automapping does not require paper (more efficient), a pen/pencil (more efficient), nor does it require me to walk through an area multiple times to make sure what i have drawn accurately corresponds to the game (more efficient).
the bolded bit -- and so you dont get confused, i am talking about you telling me to watch the cutscences from the game rather that actually playing the game and solving all the puzzles and figuring out the boss fight and all that good stuff, you know the meat of the game -- makes no sense from the perspective of me saying i am choosing to play the game with a feature that was built-in to it to make my gaming experience more enjoyable (note the keyword "my"). it seems your issue comes from the fact that i am choosing to take advantage of a game feature and you are, in a round about way, attempting to demean my preference. which, im sorry, but that is YOUR issue. not mine.
have fun nerdraging to yourself about that one.
automapping ftw.