First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pants?

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Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan

Post by Dead_Moss »

I'm rather claustrophobic, so I'm generally on an edge when playing LoG. The first time I had an earthquake I experienced that "hairs rising, blood draining from face, muscles tensing" kind of panic followed by "ohgodohgodohgod, what's happeniiiiing?

I still hate it whenever one happens
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Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan

Post by Callipygous »

Level 6:
Walked through the entrance grate and stepped on a pressure plate.
Heard the grate close behind me.
Saw spiders incoming.
Started maneuvering for position.
Ogre was already charging at me.
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Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan

Post by \/4n!ll4 ][c3 »

the first spider kinda got me. aside from that, there were moments where i was like "that was a good one LoG..." like the intro to level 6.

then i got to level 10 and ran into my first enemy that knew how to open a gate. and then there was the puzzle i solved where 3 of the grey-blue wizard dudes spawned. and as i was running from them to find an advantageous battlefield, and i found 3 more that had spawned. no bueno...
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Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan

Post by marcuz99 »

Well I''m arachnophobic, yes, but the spiders in this game aren't really scary.
Except when
in level 3, past the teleport area you clean up the spiders in what you believe is a closed area and then you get attacked from behind by more of them 8 legged freaks, and there's a bit of the spider mesh appearing on screen and you have the feeling of having a huge monster grappling on your shoulders!
The rest of the game was maybe creepy, but not scary, with the exception of sudden goromorgs.
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