The Grimrock Bestiary ((Spoilers Abound))

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The Grimrock Bestiary ((Spoilers Abound))

Post by TheSilentWitch »

I've decided to expand upon the tiny Bestiary in the LoGrim manual and give a write up of every enemy in the game. I also want to approximate HP, but that's something I'll do on my second run, or if some kindly user wants to provide them for me, I will add them in as well~

Note; Some of the names and all of the descriptions contain inference or aggrandized stories made up solely by me, and as such, are non canon and strictly for fun. If anything official is ever released on them by Almost Human, I'll change this thread at my earliest convenience.

Without further ado, open the spoiler to begin reading.
~Giant Snail

HP: ???

Attacks: Bite

Description: Giant armored slugs that have grown fat off of cave moss and adventurer blood. They're slow, weak, and unable to do much to any but the most brittle of adventurers. They're a wonderful form of food, especially on later levels.

Strategy: Early on and later, it's easy to simply tank their damage and allow them to nibble on you while you beat them to death. Kiting works especially well because of their speed.


~Herder, Elder Herder, Spore Herder

HP: ???

Attacks: Root Strike, Poison Cloud, Poison Bolt

Description: In a cave as deep and mystical as Grimrock, certain mutations are bound to come about. With darkness and dampness to grow them and magic to feed them, these monstrosities soon grew out of the ground, not quite plant and not quite animal either. Their name was given to them by their habit of collecting and placing mushrooms in hidden places so that they could propagate, becoming something of a shepherd to the subterranean plants.

Strategy: Herder: Both slow and somewhat weak, Herders aren't ever something to worry about, except on earlier levels and for inexperienced players. Fire and ice obviously stagger them, and in the later levels they appear in, it's easier to tank them with a good, strong fighter.

Spore Herder: A younger and more viral version of regular herders, before they grow their caps, they run about, shooting spores everywhere to create mushrooms for normal Herders to collect. Unfortunately, if you get in the way of said spores, you'll probably feel a sting in your lungs. Spore Herders are small and quick, but thankfully have low defense and HP. Just be careful not to let one use Poison Bolt too many times, or your back row could be knackered quick. If you can't kite, run up and take them out as fast as you can.

Elder Herder: Herders that have grown to a formidable age have large caps of washed out and threatening color, and for a good reason. They are given the job to guard the biggest Herder mushroom beds with their ability to trap their foes in a cloud of noxious gas. Aside from this ability, they also have thick hides and good hp, making them somewhat tough to take down. Fortunately, they are rarely seen, but if you do encounter them, make sure you stay away from the corners, as you're almost guaranteed death if you get trapped in one's poison cloud. Otherwise, simple kiting will take them down with some patience.


~Undead Guard (Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Archer)

HP: ???

Attacks: Pike Thrust, Arrow, Frost Arrow

Description: Guards that were once stationed by humans, but have long since died. They haven't left their posts and patrols, however, and still diligently protect their grounds, attacking anything that comes their way. They come in a few varieties, including single pikemen, single archer, pikemen patrol, (four pikemen at once), and twin Archers, (two archers at once).

Strategy: Early on, kiting is something that is vital to your survival, as pikemen can tear a young party apart in a few thrusts. Fortunately, the undead guards are slow to react to anything, and so they are perfect practice for later levels. In later levels, the undead guards on their own can easily be tanked, but their patrol and archer brethren do much more damage, and still need to be kited. Fire seems to work well too.


~Crowern and Wyvern

HP: ???

Attacks: Swoop, Bolt

Descrption: A ghastly experiment gone awry, Crowerns were released into Grimrock many years ago, and have since bred themselves to a respectable number. While they are prey for some of the monsters on the lower levels, on most of the upper ones, their ability to fly means they reign supreme. However, with only snails to eat, they've grown hungry for fresh meat, and thus, very aggressive, ready to attack the first adventurer they see! Some have even gotten too close to portals, and in a strange mutation, have gained the ability to fire bolts of electricity.It's wise to avoid these creatures, if you can.

Strategy: Crowerns are somewhat weak beasts, but their speed is something to watch out for. Their ability to fly is also something of a problem, since they have a nasty tendency to appear in rooms with pits in them, so they can get to you before they're ready. However, their somewhat weak attacking power keeps them balanced, and alone, they're even tankable, depending on your team. However, they also come in a more cruel variety that is blue and lizardlike, and has the ability to shoot Bolt at you, damaging all party members. Fortunately, they are rare, and in either case, Crowerns are not too much of a hassle unless they are paired with other, stronger enemies.


~Arachnius Gigantus

HP: ???

Attacks: Venomous Fang

Descrption: Spiders who have bred so many times within the dank walls of Grimrock that they slowly evolved and mutated with the magic there, becoming huge monsters that even the most weathered traveler should quiver at. While one is bad enough, they never appear alone, so if you hear skittering nearby, be sure to get your antidotes ready and prepare for a long and grueling battle.

Strategy: Spiders never appear alone, the smallest group they ever appear in being three. As such, it's smart to listen for their distinct skittering sound, and try to stock up on cave nettle and antivenoms. While spiders are somewhat weak, hp-wise, they can be a bother because of their numbers. It is smart to try and separate them and kill them one by one. If you are poisoned and without any cure, you can always sleep the poison off, if you have the food. Most importantly, if you come across Spider eggs, you should destroy them immediately to prevent any more spiders from spawning. As always, kiting is key, even though spiders' main damage comes from their ability to inflict poison, instead of their average powered fangs.


~Sewer Lurker (Tentacles)

HP: ???

Attacks: Tentacle Bash, Pressure Strike

Description: The sewer of Grimrock is a fowl place, carrying the blood, dirt, and sweat of many past adventurers down into its hellacious depths to feed whatever hides down there. No one has seen it, possibly not even the architects of the prison spire. All that is ever glimpsed are its gigantic tentacles, reaching out between grates and snatching food to pull down into what must be its waiting maw...

Strategy: The Lurker hides under the floor, and appears only at grates at certain points. When you step near, it will extend itself and attack, and when you step away, it will retract. The best thing to do would be to run in, hit it with all you have, then step back. After you've recharged and prepared another spell, the process can be repeated. Don't try to stand and kite this one, else you'll find yourself short an adventurer or two, especially with the Sewer Lurker's ability to inflict Paralysis with its powerful strikes.



HP: ???

Attack: Bite

Description: Once harmless mites that lived in walls, adventurers' hair, and even on leaves brought down from the surface. After sinking into the walls and being exposed to the mysticism of Grimrock, however, they are transformed into the ravenous swarm they are today. Never should one even think of going near these things alone, unless they wish to end up nothing but a skull chew toy.

Strategy: Scavengers are horrible things, coming in either one or two in a single formation. Unfortunately, considering the circumstances they are found in, I.E. in huge swarms, usually the only way to take them down is to tank them. Fortunately, they don't have very good attacking power, and though they have quick speed, are staggered easily. Duck into a hallway to limit their numbers to just one at a time and hit them hard and fast. Poison Cloud works wonders, and Ice Shards can easily hit them AND any of their brethren behind them, making it doubly useful.


~Cave Crab

HP: ???

Attacks: Double Pincer, Focused Double Pincer

Description: A wellspring is a valuable thing within the dry stone corridors of Grimrock. However, while there is a large basin of water near the center of the spire, it came with some rather nasty surprises. And those nasty surprises were grown and mutated by the magicks of the prison, soon growing, much like the spiders, into giant beasts with very tough shells and more then a little aggression to throw into any adventurer's face...

Strategy: Crabs are like the bigger, meaner brother of giant spiders, without their annoying habit to poison. The crabs have a different annoying habit; to kill your party quickly with their piercing claws. If that weren't bad enough, they have the ability to either attack both of the party members facing them at once, or one party member twice, causing huge damage. Needless to say, kiting is key with the crab enemy, but becomes a bit more difficult thanks to the fact that the crab can walk both forward and sidewise, making their movement hard to predict. Keen reaction time and quick moves are your friend here. It'll take time to get through their thick shell, but one thing to be thankful for is that the crabs rarely appear in groups of more then two, most of the time appearing alone.



HP: ???

Attacks: Charge, Turn Bash, Hammer Bash

Descrption: Ogres live deep within caves and mires, hiding away from the rest of the world. Or perhaps the rest of the world hides away from them. Bigger then even a minotaur and thicker skinned then even the strongest turtle, these giant brutes are quick to anger and know no kindness, opting to smash first and then smash again later. If seen, it's much smarter to avoid them rather then get anywhere near them...

Strategy: Ogres are one of the rarest enemies in the game, and for good reason; they're powerhouses who can take down your party in just a couple hits, and have enough health to last until they finally catch you to take down those two hits. Any type of rogue, be they archers or simple needlers, will be somewhat useless unless you manage to get a backstab in. Your main source of damage should come from your fighters. Tanking is not an option at all, as no matter how good you think your armor or evasion is, the ogre will clout you and show you why you're wrong to think that. Fortunately, the ogre is large and clumsy, and takes a good amount of time to prepare each swing. Use this to your advantage to kite and set up spells. Always stay away from his attack zone and be very wary of both his side swing and his charge attack. Speed is your main friend when fighting any ogre, but if you're caught in a corridor with one, your best bet is to attack him as much as you can, then when he prepares his swing, move back a space, and when his swing is done, move forward again.


~Disease Mass (A.K.A. Green Slime)

HP: ???

Attacks: Ooze Spray

Description: Masses of disease brought up from the depths by the creation of Grimrock, since these things reproduce asexually, there are many. Their ability to sicken from afar is only matched by their disgusting method of self defense, which is to spray bits of itself onto its attacker, potentially infecting them with god knows what diseases and sicknesses the mass of muck has inside it...

Strategy: While Slimes may seem fierce and strange at first, their patterns are easily learned and they themselves easily kited. Their strength, as with so many other things, lies in numbers, and their disgusting ability, which is to cast disease on any player they hit. Fortunately, they are not as strong in their attacks as spiders, and their ability, while certainly dangerous, is no where near as dangerous as the spider's venom. Kiting and separation are the best bets for these things, and plenty of rest. Most magic also seems to do alot of damage to them as well.



HP: ???

Attacks: Fireball

Description: Firey spirits that have been summoned from the outer realm, they use their armor to keep their shape, and to keep from spreading their blistering element anywhere they go. While most think of them as simpleminded and single minded guards, the way they shift about and are able to cleverly avoid traps suggests that it isn't just fire in their heads...

Strategy: Any Uggardian on his own is bad enough, but it isn't strange to see two or three guarding the same area. As such, it's smart to make sure you're alone before taking on any one of them. Their long range attacks can be a hassle, and worse, their fireballs hurt every party member as opposed to just the ones in front, so toeing it with an uggardian is strictly advised against. Besides the usual swift kiting, the best thing to use against them is Ice, as it sputters their flames, and has a good chance to freeze them, allowing a chance for that coveted backstab.


~Ice Lizard

HP: ???

Attacks: Bite, Turn Snap

Description: Grimrock was home to many small lizards and reptiles. However, once exposed to the icy magicks of the place, they found themselves mutating and changing, as anything else would. At the end of the evolution and struggle for dominance, only one specie of the mutant animals remained; the Ice Lizards. Creatures that are as large as a dog and are literally cold blooded, they have cannibalized their own for many a year. With their numbers dwindling, they turn away from their ranks and look for something a bit warmer to sait their groaning middles...

Strategy: While it may not seem so, Ice Lizards are some of the most dangerous enemy types around. With both a good amount of health, armor, and high attack, these things are the bane of many an adventurer. Annoyingly, they almost always appear in large groups, so it is absolutely VITAL that you separate them and slowly take them down one by one, as fighting them in numbers. Even when fighting toe to toe, you can't allow yourself to be hit many times, or else you'll find your back row exposed pretty quickly. The most effective strategy is to chase them in circles, hitting them from the side once or twice before hopping away quickly. Even then, you'll take damage occasionally from their turn attacks. Fortunately, these things do drop pretty hefty food, so sit back, dig in, and be prepared for a long and grueling battle each time you see more then one hopping around. And of course, as their name suggests, fire is always a good option.


~Shrakk Torr

HP: ???

Attacks: Putrid Bite

Description: Like every beast to roam the halls of Grimrock, the Shrakk Torr started out as a normal fly, riding in on adventurers, then growing fat and laying their maggots in their corpses. The magic pulsating from the halls made them grow and change until they became giant things, scavengers of the dead and carriers of filth and disease. But so far deep in Grimrock, the bones have been picked clean... And these iridescent flies are tired of waiting for a new corpse to feed on. So nowadays, they make their own...

Strategy: Shrakk Torr are very weak for an enemy encountered so low. One or two rounds of attacks will easily finish them off, but as expected of such large bugs, they come in packs, usually at least of two. However, they are easy to tank, so long as you have a few antidotes or a good place to sleep off the Disease they cause. If you have the time and room to kite them, then they become a cinch, but if you encounter them with other enemies, then they become quite a bother...



HP: ???

Attacks: Poison Bolt, Bolt, Fireball, Ice Shards

Description: Mysterious hooded figures who have put their likeness all around the spire of Grimrock. They both maintain its inner workers and police and prisoners that are dropped into their sacred domain. They worship whatever dark thing lurks in the deepest areas of the spire, and are plenty ready to offer a sacrifice to it, in the form of an adventurer's corpse...

Strategy: These things may seem daunting, and indeed they are, but fear not; they are not invincible. They begin with a shield that protects them from a good amount of damage. After that, their weak bodies are exposed to your pummeling. Beware, however; their magic is strong, and every one of their attacks affect all your party members, so your rogues and mages could go down fast if you aren't wary. If you encounter more then one at once, then you're likely not going to survive, so the best idea is to use separation and keen kiting to make sure you defeat them with health to spare. If you find more then one and can't separate, then it's a good idea to simply run away.



HP: ???

Attacks: Overdrive Charge, Double Mace Bash, Turn Bash

Description: Deep within the dark hallways of Grimrock's most secure prison wait the most powerful of the inhabitants of the dark spire; the Wardens. Created with the sole purpose of keeping the Undying One held in his eternal slumber, these 10 foot tall behemoths of clockwork and stone are as tough as their description suggests... And it would take a brave warrior or a fool to face one in combat...

Strategy: Wardens are basically upgraded Ogres, but with better armor, higher damage, and the ability to pummel both of your front row into submission in just a couple seconds, they shouldn't be treated with the same lackadaisical disregard that someone who had clawed and leveled their way all the way down into Grimrock's Prison might.

First off, be aware of your surroundings. You'll fight Wardens in the Prison, where not only can multiple Wardens and even some stray Goromorgs spot and engage you while you're fighting, but many pits lay scattered around as well, meaning one false move while kiting could send you plummeting. However, one could also use this to your advantage, as if you need to make a quick escape, diving down one of said pits and facing the Sewer Lurkers and Shrakk Torr down there is usually a better idea then standing a fighting a Warden when two or even one of your party members is dead.

Second, unlike some enemies, Wardens will ALWAYS smash you to bits, regardless of how tough you think you are. If you didn't adopt a kiting strategy beforehand, it's a wonder you got to Grimrock's lowest level, but even if you think you want to tank one or two blows just to get an extra hit in, don't. You should allow as FEW hits from a Warden as possible, as it is very easy for them to smash down your front two within a couple seconds.

For the most part after that, Wardens should be fought like Ogres; kite kite kite and never let them get a bite. Just be aware that these metal monstrosities are the most powerful normal enemy you'll face in the game, and should be treated with the proper amount of caution and fear...


Last edited by TheSilentWitch on Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Grimrock Bestiary ((Spoilers Abound))

Post by Saice »

I am fairly sure all of these already have names in the game data. I'd suggest poking people in the modders forum I am sure someone can pull the official names out of the dat file.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
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Re: The Grimrock Bestiary ((Spoilers Abound))

Post by EvoluZion3 »

Thanks for the write-up. Can you add the green grasshopper things, and perhaps the boss golems in there as well? :)
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Re: The Grimrock Bestiary ((Spoilers Abound))

Post by TheSilentWitch »

Saice wrote:I am fairly sure all of these already have names in the game data. I'd suggest poking people in the modders forum I am sure someone can pull the official names out of the dat file.
If someone could post those for me, I'd be eternally grateful, yes. Otherwise, I just made up the best names I could. ^^; The things like
Crabs, Spiders, and Slimes
though, they are pretty mundane in their names, so I just made up somewhat catchier titles to make them stand out.

Also, to Evo, thanks for reminding me. I KNEW there was just ONE I forgot :lol:
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Re: The Grimrock Bestiary ((Spoilers Abound))

Post by TheSilentWitch »

Updated with Official names, and just waiting for Grimrock to finish updating on Steam. I'll have the last entry posted soon~
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Re: The Grimrock Bestiary ((Spoilers Abound))

Post by BlueLegion »

Not entirely sure about the herders in this. The standard herders attack with tendrils, not claws. And the small poison bolt herder doesn't seem to be mentioned at all. Otherwise, no objections
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Re: The Grimrock Bestiary ((Spoilers Abound))

Post by TheSilentWitch »

BlueLegion wrote:Not entirely sure about the herders in this. The standard herders attack with tendrils, not claws. And the small poison bolt herder doesn't seem to be mentioned at all. Otherwise, no objections
Updated with the "small poison bolt herder", (whom I have dubbed Spore Herder), and the last enemy type in the game.

As always, give a post if anything is missing or inaccurate. As it is, I think I've caught them all, unless we want a write up on the final boss.
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