Average Age ...

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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Crash »

"The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 41 years old."

"The average gamer is 37 years old and has been playing for 12 years."

"UK Gamers * The average gaming age is now 23+.
US Gamers * The average game player is 35 years old and has been playing games for 12 years."

It seems to depend on where you are, and who you ask, but I suspect the average gamer is a bit older.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Scase »

Granted the same article indicates game PLAYER median age as 37. Game purchaser to me is just who buys the game not who plays it.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Crash »

Here's another one - I did not know there was such a cultural/national difference in gaming behavior, as the US must have a larger than average population of older gamers such as myself:

"The average age of players across the globe is mid to late 20s"

Flew, Terry and Humphreys, Sal (2005) "Games: Technology, Industry, Culture" Oxford University Press
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by atngnd »

29 here, and loving it.
I think I was around 10 when I first discovered Dungeon Master on the Amiga. That would be around 1992? (yes, the game had already been out for a number of years at that point, but before the Internet word of mouth (and.. floppies from friends ;) were pretty much the only way you'd hear about new games).
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by gambit37 »

I'll be 40 soon, I first played Dungeon Master back in '88 on the Amiga when I was 16 and got obsessed by all other dungeon crawlers after that, I think I played most of the good ones: EOB, Captive, Black Crypt, etc. I still love this sort of game to this day: LoG satisfies my old school gaming heart, while also demonstrating how to make a beautiful modern game. :)
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by atrament »

33 here

I have to say that I haven't been playing computer games much since 2000 or so, because the games just got so boring. I loved Dungeon Master, Land of Lore, Eye of the Beholder in their days but when was this style replaced with stupid action rpgs like Diablo, I lost my interest in gaming. Time to time I tried Bethesda games, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim but they are so buggy and plainly so far from what I expect from a computer game that I never played them longer than a week.

But Legend of Grimrock was love at first sight. This is the game I was dreaming of since Dungeon Master 2. It has everything I want from a computer game (and much more). I really hope that this means reincarnation of dungeon crawlers, I would definitely love to see more games like this...
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by t0tem »

Average player is 37 and has been playing for 12 years? That doesn't make any sense.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by RMariano »

70 here and just enjoying this game to no end.

Began comp games back when I first retired. On an Intellevision.. never looked back. Anyone recall the awful audio in those days? I still have the thing and all the carts and the Nintendo, Lynx and a few others.

This game, Legend of Grimrock, brings back many fond memories and has engendered wonderful new ones.

Many thanks to Almost Human for a job well done.

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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Billick »

34 here. Speaking of Intellivision, anybody here remember Treasure of Tarmin? This game reminds me a lot of that.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by evony666 »

33 - played DM CSB, EOB, Knightmare as a teen
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