New, 'modern' gameplay features like those of Chaos Strikes Back?quester99 wrote:Well, I know I get a little dismissive towards suggestions to add new, 'modern' gameplay features to this old-school game.
That's what really gets me. I mean, nevermind that in general, "modern" features are not necessarily a bad thing; part of why old-school games are so rare now is because many of the limitations they had due to limited CPU or memory or whatever were actually not fun. But this particular one? It's a standard feature of two of the games this game is clearly an homage to.
That said... The ideal vision, I think, is not to recreate every choice that was made in 1988 whether it made sense or not, but rather, to try to find the spirit of the game, but feel free to improve. Multiple save slots, as opposed to a single save floppy, are also a "modern" feature. So's the entire game loading so quickly. So are things like counting "secrets" and keeping track of which ones you've done, and modding tools, and a developer console using a high-level scripting language...
Modern is not a bad thing. The thing that made DM great was not that it was limited by the technology of the 1980s. Grimrock will still have that essential philosophy even if they add a minimap. (And ideally, one which is carried by a character and only works when you've activiated it with a spell.)