Color blind mode

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Color blind mode

Post by CrawlerJe »

I wonder if this has been consitered seeing it effects about 10% of the human population. So the main issues i can think of.

1, Poison, poison resist. (the icons on the portraits are rather small, Just a bump up in size would make them more noticable) granted color blind does not mean blind, but having them more noticable, would definatly help for those that can not see the glowing green portraits.

Potions, this one is the big one, All those bottles look exactly the same. you have zero clue what is what half the time unless you start checking with mouse hovers, which in a pinch can mean life or death..

So how about a simple change. Link the final potion product to a bottle style/shape. while this may break the illusion of reusing the same bottle to recreate a potion type, for those that have no clue what is in the bottle in the first place that really isn't as much an issue.

I could see any empty version being able to be used in the input hopper of the potion maker, and then depending on what you make, that would dictate the style of the bottle you get in return.

A large fat bottle for health.. (default)

a tall narrow vial for antidote

a short vial for anti venom

a triangle bottle for mana,

ect... (i know there are others, but i think you get the point)

Are there any other areas that color blind might have issues? Please speak up!
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Re: Color blind mode

Post by Whisper »

Put healing pots on 1 char, energy pots on mage, etc. So you know where they are by location.
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Re: Color blind mode

Post by ZephyrSB »

While I'm certainly all for colour-blind modes (hell, I don't have it that bad, but disease/poision still look pretty much identical to me) - wouldn't problems with the potions would be down to the much rarer cases of red/blue blindness rather than the overwhelmingly more common red/green?

Not saying that this isn't a good idea - shapes really are the solution to colour blindness, but given that problems with the red/green spectrum are hard enough to get recognised (green and yellow are together EVERYWHERE :evil:), the much rarer cases in the red/blue spectrum (that used by the potions) being missed is understandable. And if do you suffer from that, I feel really sorry for you - even in games that feature colour-blind modes, they still tend to ignore that one :(

I only used healing potions anyway :P
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Re: Color blind mode

Post by CrawlerJe »

true.. they are less common, But considering how common it is to get poisoned/diseased, and basically Instead of having a red bar, it swaps to green, that is a pretty big issue with people just not having any idea why they are losing health.

But i think the fixes for these tiny issues really would go a long way to opening up the game to even more people. Heck it might even lead people to pick it up just because. Hey look this game has color blind compatiable listed under game features.. I'd bet some would buy it just for that, because that mode is just so rare, yet in most cases so simple to fix.

even things like notes, a option for large print would be great as well. First thing i do in any game that i can increase print size is crank it up. and i actually have decent vision, but i sit far from my monitor and often have to lean forward and squint a little to see small type.

I personally use the same inventory slot in all characters to reduce confusion, but i still sometimes have to do double takes on if im poisoned or diseased for example

It is just something I thought I would through out there, as just a couple of rather simple changes could really help many enjoy the game further And put this great little indy company another step above the rest. Doing things that many huge companies don't even care about, but an indy company can lead the pack and create changes in an entire industry..

Wanna take bets on how many big budget companies take not of all these little indy companies that are poping up and selling games for 10-20 bucks and start changing their business model? :D
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Re: Color blind mode

Post by Loktofeit »

A simple solution would be to add a letter to the potion image. This way, for the sake of asset management on the dev side of things, the bottle size and base design can remain the same.
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Re: Color blind mode

Post by bushido »

I made some texture pack, which can help, its not colorblind mode already, but its on good way. :) Feel free to comment and suggest improvement.

Download link : ... 1.rar.html
How to use this :
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