Level chart

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Re: Level chart

Post by Karimento »

Do characters gain any xp from secrets found, or only for killing monsters?
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Re: Level chart

Post by Jordan »

You get a warm glow inside from finding secrets, XP only from squishing creepy crawlies.
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Re: Level chart

Post by dbgager »

ANybody really interested in this. Some people enjoy playing the game..Some just want to dissect it.
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Re: Level chart

Post by Loktofeit »

Pumpelche wrote:That is why I silently hoped that the XP system is based on Learning-by-Doing, so mages get XP while casting, even if the spell is cast into a wall. I'm LVL 12 now and play in Dungeon 8 & 9 - hope I might hit LVL 20 any time soon ;)
If you make it to Level 20 and haven't completed the dungeon, I'd say you did something horribly wrong along the way. : )
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