3rd person option.

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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by dbgager »

nianu wrote:i think 3rd person camera movements in a confined space would cause even worse motion sickness in my opinion :cry:
I agree...The further back your point of view. The more motion that would be caused every time you rotated. An arc is always bigger. The farther you move from the center point.
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by Crash »

It would also be next to impossible to search for secret items and small objects on the floor with characters in the way. Please just no.
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by CrawlerJe »

dbgager wrote:
nianu wrote:i think 3rd person camera movements in a confined space would cause even worse motion sickness in my opinion :cry:
I agree...The further back your point of view. The more motion that would be caused every time you rotated. An arc is always bigger. The farther you move from the center point.

you might think that, but that is not how it works.. it has very little to do with the actual amount of motion, It is all about the focus of it. When you get motion sick, on a boat for example, what do they tell you to do? focus on the horizon. You need to focus on a non moving point, so you don't notice the motion. In this case, it would be just over the shoulder of the group.. (basically you would be seeing the game from the same point of view, Only instead of the Front of the sqaure you are on, You would be veiwing it from the back. Soo exactly what you see when your looking at a group of skeletons your fighting... that would be the veiw you would have.

I was thinking an over the shoulder type of camera, Not top down, or 3D isometric, or anything like that...

Though i'm not sure why people are saying seeing your party moving like that would ruin the game.. Everything else moves like that, so why the party doing it would all of a sudden be bad. if you move around the skeleton gaurd groups for example, they would be moving EXACTLY like your party would be in responce.
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by MASKOAA »

You guys are looking at 3rd personmode in the wrong way....think invisible ceiling with an isometric view then it wouldn't matter how close spaced things were.
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by CrawlerJe »

Crash wrote:It would also be next to impossible to search for secret items and small objects on the floor with characters in the way. Please just no.

not really, it would be no harder that it is now searching something one sqaure away... (something i do when ever possible because it gets you away from the wall, so the motion doesnt have as much effect. Standing in the sqaure next to the wall, and straphing is so much worse, than straphing one sqaure back.

and for those times that something just happens to be at the bottom of a wall, and possibly could be blocked, there would be nothing stoping you from switching modes.. But most normal points for buttons and torches and such, you would see right over the shoulder, and the characters wouldnt be blocking that much anyway.. atleast the upper 50% which is where most things are anyway, outside of droping and picking things up..
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by dbgager »

And the major reason its a bad idea is because...Wait for it.....Thats not old school.
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by CrawlerJe »

dbgager wrote:And the major reason its a bad idea is because...Wait for it.....Thats not old school.

Neither is Vsync.. :D
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by Bokonon »

I really can't imagine this in 3rd person :) ... please don't.
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by Loktofeit »

dbgager wrote:And the major reason its a bad idea is because...Wait for it.....Thats not old school.
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Re: 3rd person option.

Post by nianu »

Loktofeit wrote:
dbgager wrote:And the major reason its a bad idea is because...Wait for it.....Thats not old school.
those games may be old school to you... lol i was thinking more dungeon master old school
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