petri wrote:If by DLC you mean a new dungeon that you can buy from us, it depends on whether people want this or not. So far the consensus seems to be that DLCs are evil (for some reason unknown to me). Maybe we should have a poll about this...
The hate for DLC is mostly due to their overpricing and poor content. (like in Bioware games) If you release a DLC, which adds some new things to the game, is long enough, well-made thoroughly, and fairly priced, it will surely be received positively.
If you wish to get a lot of respect and love from the gaming community, you should release the DLC for free (like CD Projekt)
Assuming the modding community for this game is able to take off. Any resources that allow modders to provide players with a quality experience is worth the money. If you decide to release DLC that maybe adds 5-8 hours of gameplay, but includes tons of assets like monsters, items, ai scripts, walls, traps and stuff, (even if they're not all used in the bonus dungeon), that would be totally worth paying 5-10$ for because it would provide more quality assets for them to play around with.
I have no problem with dlc as long as it isn't withheld from the game to be sold separately.
I encourage DLC from a game as good as this, so long as it is well priced. Not too expensive for what is on offer, but from an indie game with a price as good as this one? bring it on. I will be happy to support the development of more of this game and hopefully its sequel!
Most of complaints I've seen regarding DLCs is their release timing. If DLCs are released too close to main game, they will be seen as money grab. If DLCs are released a few months when most gamers already finish the main game, they will be seen as "expansion".
Look at Deus Ex: HR, for example, The Missing Link DLC is obviously planned/developed along side the main game but nobody complains when the DLC was release because the timing was just right. Many people, myself included, who just finished Deus Ex: HR but still wanted to play it more, not to replay the same contents but new contents of the same game universe, wanted to know more of its story. Then a few weeks later, The Missing Link DLC was released to fill that demand.
In my opinion, LoG absolutely need more expansions. The main game is fairly short and I still want to know more about its world. It would be great if the new expansions can utilize old save file; let the same set of characters venture into the new dungeons.
Also, AH, if you will do more expansions, please consider add more stories into them.
I will happily pay the full price again for DLC as substantial as the original campaign.
Would love to see a full length campaign based of Space Hulk: Vengeance of The Blood Angels... Would certainly give modders a much broader variety of assets.
petri wrote:If by DLC you mean a new dungeon that you can buy from us, it depends on whether people want this or not. So far the consensus seems to be that DLCs are evil (for some reason unknown to me). Maybe we should have a poll about this...
I think you will find out that most people dont think DLC is evil in itself. Its how companies handle it. Launch day DLC thats not cosmetic or content thats not free? BAD. DLC thats overpriced for its content? BAD. Reasonably priced DLC for the content after MOST bugs/exploits are fixed? Perfectly fine. Personally if you give me another dungeon the size of Grimrock? I'll gladly give you another $15. Give me 1-3 short levels and ask $10? Probably going to skip it.
petri wrote:If by DLC you mean a new dungeon that you can buy from us, it depends on whether people want this or not. So far the consensus seems to be that DLCs are evil (for some reason unknown to me). Maybe we should have a poll about this...
I think you will find out that most people dont think DLC is evil in itself. Its how companies handle it. Launch day DLC thats not cosmetic or content thats not free? BAD. DLC thats overpriced for its content? BAD. Reasonably priced DLC for the content after MOST bugs/exploits are fixed? Perfectly fine. Personally if you give me another dungeon the size of Grimrock? I'll gladly give you another $15. Give me 1-3 short levels and ask $10? Probably going to skip it.
+1 5-10$ for a 5-10 hours of new and good gameplay for me is a good DLC.
Big spoiler DLC Idea:
Toorum resurrect in another wing of Grimrock or in a deeper hardest level, without help to solve the puzzles. Maybe time limited to scape because Grimrock explodes.
mk.2 wrote:
Look at Deus Ex: HR, for example, The Missing Link DLC is obviously planned/developed along side the main game but nobody complains when the DLC was release because the timing was just right. Many people, myself included, who just finished Deus Ex: HR but still wanted to play it more, not to replay the same contents but new contents of the same game universe, wanted to know more of its story. Then a few weeks later, The Missing Link DLC was released to fill that demand.
But sadly that was some poor DLC the way it was made to fit in with the main game to me was the breaking point. Sadly I never got it because to me it was tacked on and not integrated well. For me DLC is just that Replay the some content but with new stuff added. I find expansion DLCs tend to fall sort on the whole expansion part and end up feeling tacked on and flimsy. While augment DLC tends to give me what I want which to me is a reason to play the game over from a different angle or play style.
Which as a side is one of the reason I think the secret play mode in LoG is awesome.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. My end game stats LoG 1st play through