What are the customizations of your team and WHY?

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What are the customizations of your team and WHY?

Post by SunnyDelight »

I can't believe this thread wasn't started yet in the Creative Corner, but maybe in another thread?

Anyboops, Hi my name is Sonny, recently registered on this forum - so far loving everything here especially the community.

So can you describe why you chose the names you did and the race?

My personal answer to this requires a fifth person and on my Let's plays I put a horrific face cam above my fellow Prison Prowlers displaying yours truly. That's the name of my group; I am working on that.

Here's the link the another part of the forum with my Let's play of Legend of Grimrock Episode 1

Starting with me

Name: Falcon (M?)
Race: Bald Asian Guy
Role: Strategist, Solver
Skills: Excellent at gaming, strategy, and bad at jokes.

Name: Miniborg (M)
Race: Minotaur
Role: Fighter
Skills: Tank, Brute Force Penetration <--- I'll explain that skill later.

Name: Monster Man (M)
Race: Lizard Dude ( Argonians )
Role: Dagger Rogue
Skills: Evasive, Downright adorable looking

Name: NovaFrost (F)
Race: Human
Role: Mage
Skills: Being Sexy, Proficient at spells: Air and Ice

Name: Crowe (M)
Race: Insect
Role: Mage
Skills: Proficient at spells: Fire and Earth, Being Sexy

So that's my current team on normal. The reason why I did this started with me wanting to do a Let's Play of it so I was going to put the face cam somewhere. So I thought, I should put the face cam with a group, but then I realize I actually look terrible enough to look like one of the members - YAY!.

Therefore, since there was five of us, I thought about groups of 5 people, things, its, or the combination of the sort. My group is a parody. Can you figure out what the group is a parody of? If you get it, and hopefully I catch it, I will erase your answer to let other people figure out and give you a virtual cookie because express is not fast enough for me to ship an actual cookie.

If you can follow this format, and here is a template in your post. Keep this at a humorously level please :lol: if you think I should add another trait that would deliver humor to this blandness of a post just leave a reply below. College sucks. Let's begin!

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