Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by oOldXman »

Hariolor wrote:I felt eyestrain/motion sickness at first, as well.

I've adapted to it as I got used to the game.

I also tinkered with the graphics settings to get a smooth movement. If you're FPS is too low you'll almost certainly feel ill from the choppy movement.
I did exactly the same and it seems I am also getting used to it, although I can not say for sure. I do not have necessary time to test it and make sure once and for all.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by jfunk »

Total shot in the dark, but have any of you guys tried playing in Windowed mode and setting your desktop background to a solid bright color (hide icons and other windows too). As I understand motion sickness (which is very little), there has to be enough "confusion" for the brain to actually think YOU are supposed to be moving, so maybe making a real solid visual "anchor" around the game window could mitigate that some.

That's probably why some of you are experiencing fewer symptoms after multiple sessions too. Your brain may be just slowly learning to "ignore" Grimrock.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Arctor »

Neil79 wrote:If one more person says " eye strain " or " get your eyes checked " I'm going to throw them down a grimrock hole into a pit of spiders!
Get your eyes checked.

Eye strain causes intense headaches over time. It can appear almost migraine-like with extreme distortions in your vision leading to nausea. Experienced it personally. Just thought it might relate to the topic at hand. Silly me.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by galspam »

oOldXman wrote:I always feel dizzy when I look at stairs or floors with stripes. The world is going in circles most of the time, but I can manage.
You are the only other person I have ever met that has this problem. I'm fine with everything else but busy floor patterns and stairs make me feel like I'm sinking in to the floor. Forget it if there is a tight stripy pattern on escalators. If you find a cure, let me know.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by oOldXman »

galspam wrote:You are the only other person I have ever met that has this problem. I'm fine with everything else but busy floor patterns and stairs make me feel like I'm sinking in to the floor. Forget it if there is a tight stripy pattern on escalators. If you find a cure, let me know.
My knowledge tells me there is no cure. However my knowledge is nothing I am proud of. I believe it is genetical, my mother has this too. Best way to deal with this is to avoid looking at stairs or patterns or whatever. Yes, it sounds silly to not watch your steps when you walk on stairs. I think you already guessed that on your own :).
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Frirr »

"- camera bobbing option (only available by editing the config file manually)" - 1.1.4 patch notes
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Nemo29 »

Started playing 45 mins ago after about 5mins I knew something didn't feel right, so stopped playing anyway I have been feeling nauseous pretty much since then (no headache just feel sick, the only thing I can compare it too is when sat in middle seat of a car on a unsmooth drive with limited view out of the car window induced motion sickness. When by a window and I can see into the distance I usually feel fine or if in the front of a car I never get motion sickness).

Never had any effect from games like this before and nothing stood out too me as causing it and it doesnt seem to want to go away now :S so I will head to bed early not sure I dare try playing it again any time soon,so I hope a fix comes about as it seems to affect me really badly :(.

10 quid well spent on making myself feel sick :mrgreen:
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Bibendus »

I removed the camera bobbing, the eye pain effect is decreased but still I can feel it when rotating the camera or moving laterally looking to a wall.
Please add a FOV option, I beg you :|

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Ixnatifual »

I have a friend who gets motion sick from playing certain FPS games. Sometimes removing movement/weapon bob, if available, helps with varying degrees of success.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Thels »

I speak from experience. At first, playing the game got me a little nausead, though not as much as with 1st person shooters, which I can't play at all.

But when I disabled the camera bobbing, it felt a lot better. This is no guarantee it'll do the same for you, of course.
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