xdeath wrote:Which is why I get so frustrated when people like the OP, pull the whole "Go play another game" BS.
I admit, I only glanced through the OP's post, so I don't know what exactly his point was. There's three kinds of requests (or demands) on these forums though;
1. Accessibility (dexterity, fobias, etc)
2. Interface requests (more keyboard shortcuts)
3. Make game more like game X
I have no beef with group #1.
I have slight issues with #2, but those things are mostly a matter of taste.
I disagree with most (if not all) requests in the group #3.
Most of the stuff in group 1 should be handled, if they don't mean massive changes to the game.
Some of the interface changes are sensible, other requests less so (as they might change the game balance).
As for the third.. if they can easily enable modders to do things like that, fine.