Over Three hours and still can't get past it

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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by Kthanid »

Jack Dandy wrote:You work for Zynga or something? :)
That sounds about right ;)

@dark - You should try and wrap your head around the concept that not every game can be everything for every person. This game was designed the way it was for very specific and obvious reasons. If it's not your kind of game that's okay, sorry you wasted some time on it, but you should try and understand that it's precisely the things you don't like about this game that make it so special for the rest of us that do (and we're a very large number of people).

TL;DR - Sorry the game wasn't your thing, I'm sure you can find other games out there to play that are more your style.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by Myeka »

dark wrote: Sorry, but the devs have majorly failed in a big way, whoever told them that a game riddled with a ton of puzzles was the way to go then they don’t know what they’re talking about
So, basically, every dev making a puzzle game (like a standard point and Click) doesn't know nothing? And since when is there a "way to go" in game design? As far as I can tell, I'm very happy there is no such thing as a "way to go", so we can enjoy so many different games made by people who doesn't "follow the way"!
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by regomar »

dark wrote:
regomar wrote:
dark wrote: Hey, fuck you! I’ll be here just to aggravate you all. If you can’t understand that I’m NOT the only one that has issues with the timing of the pits and other aspects then you all Fail!!
How terribly mature of you.

You are part of a vocal minority (I've counted about 8 of you) that suck at the game and/or don't like puzzles and want the devs to cater to your whining and demands.

This game is not for you, and you certainly have NO right to call devs of a game this massively successful 'fail' or to say that those of us who enjoy this gameplay 'don't know what we're talking about'. Blowhard.

Oh, so you’re going to tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about? How pathetic and hypocritical is that of you and everyone else to even assume that I don’t know what I’m talking about. You have no clue what my background is or what I do for a living. What If I told you I myself was a dev and that we do not take such a harsh approach in our games at making them so riddled with puzzles nor do we set the timing of a pit trap to such a bare minimal setting that its utterly pathetic to even try and achieve winning?

No, you have no clue who I am or what I do, so let’s stop right here and keep your comments to yourself. if you can objectively comment to me where it even makes any sense then do so, otherwise zip it.
God you're a fucking idiot.

YOU are the one that called the devs failures

YOU are the one that claimed that the game is a fail because it didn't meet your standards of what YOU wanted.

YOU are the one that claimed that ANYONE that disagreed with you 'doesn't know what they're talking about'

This game is not for you. Period.

Go play fucking Fable and leave hardcore games to actual gamers. You really think you can come on here and call the devs and the game failures because you happen to not like the style of that game and not expect people to get pissed at you? You're hilarious. The chances of someone with your intelligence level being a dev of anything other than his mom's basement is slim to none.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by eharper256 »

I quote this:
Stalkingwolf wrote:Image

Sometimes, vile frustration is fun. See Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, Touhou games, Dark Souls, or Hard Mode Fire Emblem for other examples.

But I don't actually class Grimrock among those. The puzzles are refreshingly different, but always logical. This has been missing from many games lately.

I admit the puzzle in question took me 8 attempts; but it just required memorizing the order. Nothing more than a weird form of Simon Says crossed with Whack a' mole. :D
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by Philz »

I had a real bad time with this door, but then i lowered my settings (resolution and all) jsut for this bit. The movement was way better and had it on the first try. So if you have, like me, a pc that is getting old, just lower your settings for this challenge.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by TΛPETRVE »

Philz wrote:I had a real bad time with this door, but then i lowered my settings (resolution and all) jsut for this bit. The movement was way better and had it on the first try. So if you have, like me, a pc that is getting old, just lower your settings for this challenge.
Exactly that was my problem, too. My PC is running the game with everything maxed out just fine, but there's always a slight delay in terms of input, which, while never game-breaking, was hampering my progress at this very point.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by ZephyrSB »

Philz wrote:I had a real bad time with this door, but then i lowered my settings (resolution and all) jsut for this bit. The movement was way better and had it on the first try. So if you have, like me, a pc that is getting old, just lower your settings for this challenge.
While I agree with those that say the timing on this puzzle was a little too tight, I really think this is the bigger issue that needs looking at - a delay that has has been all but unnoticable for the rest of the game that adversely affects one specific task, genuinely 'fixed' by lowering the settings. Of course, the easiest solution for this annyoing performance region that a lot of people seem to be falling into is the same as the one that's annyoing everyone...a little more leeway...
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by maethlin »

Also wanted to pipe in that while I actually made a suggestion to have an option that slows down timed puzzles (i.e. measures of finger dexterity rather than actual knowledge or tactics), I don't at all think the devs "don't know what they are doing". They very purposefully made the game this way and a LOT of people really enjoy the puzzles as-is (I enjoy some of them enormously, while the very long ones that are a pure dexterity tests frankly turn me off).

Again, people who make blanket statements about whether EVERYONE or even a vast majority/minority likes or doesn't like a certain game aspect is simply talking out of their proverbial keesters. Ironic that regomar is sitting here calling people names considering he completely crapped all over any and all suggestions that any options be put in to tweak timed puzzles. That said, I think dark's "the devs are insane and clueless" comments are equally offensive. You people need to take a pill and relax. Make your suggestions but stop questioning the sanity/motives/character of people making the game or making the requests.

Here's a life tip for anyone who still doesn't get it....

addressing a gameplay aspect, either positive or negative, shouldn't bother anyone except those looking to be bothered.

addressing said gameplay aspects by denigrating the character/backbone/skill/ability/sanity of people who are trying to have a rational discussion = childish and petulant.

You're free to do so of course, but don't act so surprised when people react so poorly to you.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by bkawcazn »


You don't have to do it.

Just go down to the next level. The stairs are right there.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by dbgager »

THe thing is you don't have to get past it. There are many optional puzzles in the game.