GPU Overheating

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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by StarSlicer »

Yeah I dont know, I ran the game for about half an hour and my temps got to around 190 then my comptuer froze. I am using a well cooled desktop. Interesting issue...
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by atngnd »

Well, I just want to chime in and say that I don't blame Almost Human for this. It's only with the most recent generation of graphics cards (the 7xxx series Radeon and the latest Geforce) that the graphics card makers have woken up to the fact that different usage patterns can drive the power consumption insanely high and have started to do automatic power throttling on the cards.

It's the GPU makers we should blame ;) They should have added more failsafes to the graphics chips / drivers.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by ru_disa »

I just wanted to report that me too, I have the same issue.
I have a GTX 560 ti 448 and my card get up to 77 Celsius while playing Grimrock. This is the hottest my card has ever got playing any game.
I'm not going to play this game again, as I don't want to risk frying my PC... This really is a disappointment, though...
Has there been any official response, or at least any acknowledgement that this issue exists, from the devs?
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by StarSlicer »

I would also like to point out I have my two cards overclocked but no other game gets me hot enough for the driver to reset. While I think Grimrock has charming visuals for sure, something must be coded wrong because more intense graphical applications do not get me this warm.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by vaultdweller »

Hello everyone,
good to see that I am not alone. I run a Radeon 6990, mainly to play BF3 at 2560x1600 which it does and the fans can be heard but well not so loud that I can't hear my own thoughts any more.

Now with LoG with everything set to to high it's kind of sad that a game with nice, but well, not that complex looking gfx is turning my computer into an afterburned jet engine.

Dear devs, please look into this issue. I really like Legend of Grimrock.

- Nick
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by stage »

Hi. Can some of you use program like Dxtory and limit their max frames to like 60 and tell if that helps with the overheating problem? Quite interesting for me to know if it did.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by Vetchmun »

I have the same issue. Nvidia video card. It's sloppy and needs to be fixed. Gameplay wise I lovr the game, but I am not prepared to fry my gpu because of it.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by Xian »

Another one with GPU heating issues. I had never even heard my GPU fans until playing this game, now they kick on after a few minutes and the temperature is really high. I have a Nvidia GTX 470 on an I7 and using RealTemp it shows my GPU up as high as 86C. Normally it runs about 55C, hotter than my processor by about 10C, but I have never seen it this high.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by stage »

Can you try what I wrote 2 posts above you and tell me if that makes difference?
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by snoozy »

Just wanna say framelimiter did cut some lag that V-Sync brought in, but my fans were still roaring. I'll try it again later on, and with a friend's expertise, just not these few months as I'm gonna be busy with projects.

I'll be back in a few months to check if this problem can be resolved. See ya peeps.
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