How would and ideal game in a LoG engine look like?

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How would and ideal game in a LoG engine look like?

Post by CV77 »

I wrote it in one of my comments in some other thread but then thought it'd be an interesting survey.

So people cannot wait for the LoG editor to create some games of their own. So I was wondering what game I personally would love to see modders do. What elements from other classic should it borrow?

So my ideal game would have:
- the worldbuilding and exploration aspect of TES series
- the dialogues, writing and overal storytelling creativity of Planescape: Torment
- the turn-based combat system of Betrayal at Krondor (maybe slightly updated and improved)
- the magic system and character development system of Wizardry VII
- original and engaging quests of (actually still cannot decide which game got the quest part best)
- the puzzle and level design of....well Legend of Grimrock of course!! :D

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Re: How would and ideal game in a LoG engine look like?

Post by Zola »

Agree to 100 % even though it is probably taste based if people agree or not.

I would love if the Editor is similar friendly like the "Aurora Tool set" from NWN 1 heck I loved working with that Editor! @_@ It was like a chessboard your setting pieces together, script and linked everything together and viola, the room was ready!
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Re: How would and ideal game in a LoG engine look like?

Post by dbgager »

Legend of Grimrock...
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Re: How would and ideal game in a LoG engine look like?

Post by Pez »

What I'd love to see is LoG grow by itself instead of trying to "port" other games to it. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love a port from LoL, for example, and cant wait to play the great mods this community will create, but I really think this game has potential. Just think about the world map provided with the goodies.
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Re: How would and ideal game in a LoG engine look like?

Post by Halk »

The equipment scaling of Captive.
The shops like Captive.
The 'home base' like you get in modern first person RPGs.
The story telling and mythology of Ultima.
The difficulty of DM:CSB and EotB combined.

I'd like to see my party finish Grimrock, and make their way back to town and sell the loot, then buy a small keep with their treasure.
From there I'd like options on where I could go to make further fortunes, on what I could do with the loot to upgrade my characters.
I'd like an equipment system that allowed me to be continually upgrading my gear, by very small amounts without greatly affecting the game - so no Uber Sword of Slaying +200 thanks... :)
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Re: How would and ideal game in a LoG engine look like?

Post by Lmaoboat »

I'd love to see a TES-like open world, thought I'm not sure how nice that would look with the grid-based stuff
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Re: How would and ideal game in a LoG engine look like?

Post by creocoder »

CV77 wrote: - the turn-based combat system of Betrayal at Krondor (maybe slightly updated and improved)
It's key moment.

P.S. LoG in original should be turn based. Why? Because combat system seems hard (on hard ofcourse) only first 2 levels. Next levels all enemies can killed without (almost) any damage to party. It's very easy :cry: You lose all sense to leveling characters. Even orge can be beaten with first level party. This is all significant deficiencies of the current combat system. But... other parts of this game is awesome! ;)
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