Over Three hours and still can't get past it

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Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by onlinechaos »

The game was fun up till Level 7 the iron door where you have to block the 3 spectral bolts from reaching their recepticle in order to open the door. The game is no longer fun trying to get past it that puzzle. It killed the game for me. I don't mind puzzles that require using your head but the twitch factor on this puzzle I find impossible. I have to give the game a thumbs down due to the timing/twich puzzles.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by stage »

Try to practice more, you actually catch the light before being on the square it self but when u still move to it. Also, for fast moving from one Side to the other Hold --> or <-- And ofc, you need to learn the patern to make it easy for you.

And also you can just skip it. As far as I remember that is just a stash with few Items, doesn't really block your progression down.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by ItsRay »

Wow are you serious? I just was there and did it the first time.. wasnt too hard really..

Are you overencumbered or something?
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by Poomermon »

Personally I found that puzzle quite easy and solved it on first try. I have heard that on low-performance computers that puzzle can be challenging so maybe that might be your problem.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by cardman »

yes as said above

make sure u not overweight - drop some things if u r
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by gaulitz »

Use speed potion thingy.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by Whisper »

Passed this "challenge" on second try.

And didnt use the reward, i just left reward where it was.
If you have classic figher in heavy armor/evasive rogue - the armor behind doors in useless.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by Dandy »

When the game becomes frustrating and you're no longer having fun, then that's the time to pack it in. No one should pay to become frustrated and upset, games are suppose to be enjoyed. Some will see these puzzles as a challenge, others will see it them as being stupid and frustrating. Games like LOG walk a fine edge between the two.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by stage »

Also if you can't solve a puzzle, just give it rest, sleep over it and try on the other day. :) You will be amazed how things look on a fresh start of a day and are simple to solve. So don't burn ur self, if you can't solve something take a break and return later.
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Re: Over Three hours and still can't get past it

Post by DJCrovley »

it's solvable while overencumbered. it took me over 100+ tries. Also i was laughing at myself when i noticed iam slowed down :)