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a small, game-jam-esque puzzle mod i made intermittently during january 2025 and the last few days of december 2024. it is inspired by my inability to deal with tragedy, and also by a weird dream my girlfriend had involving lights.
- no new classes, races, skills, traits, items, or monsters
- you can't customize your controls
- probably incompatible with 7soul's umods
- can be finished in three seconds
- despite the short development time, easily the most meaningful thing i've made so far
i gave myself a restriction making this mod: only 128 pixels of texture data are used for non-font purposes. this resulted in complicated models and a weird aesthetic.
this should work with all official grimrock 2.2.4 versions at time of writing (windows, mac, nutcracker beta versions), but it will crash on startup if your grimrock 2 installation folder is write-protected (unless you're on the mac version *and* have high rendering quality selected). no, i probably won't ever find a workaround for that.
this mod does not modify your existing game files, it just creates a new lua file and a new savegame file.
type 'hint' in-game to get hints and solutions