[MOD] Lost City

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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by zerodaunholy »

edit2: Solved.

Hi, so I'm stuck. I have Al-Ator key, and I know where Al-Ator should be, but I don't know where can I use this key, anyone please help me? :)

edit: And I have Murkland key too, where do I use that..?

Do I need water breathing skill?
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by sapientCrow »

Bug for water breathing?

I cast the spell and it makes the sound effect. However when I am in water it goes to a normal time where I would start to lose breath and it cycles up and down energy bar until eventually I am back to not being able to breath. So essentially it has the exact same time as without spell active
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by ilovemazes99 »

Question about a spot in the Old Sewers:
I got to the point of placing the 8 skulls to open the secret with the tome of knowledge and the potions. However, when I opened the secret button in that room to leave, it closed the door into the main area of the skulls, and now I can't reach the skulls again. Are we meant to sacrifice the skulls in order to get the secret?
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by merkaba48 »

ilovemazes99 wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:49 am Question about a spot in the Old Sewers:
I got to the point of placing the 8 skulls to open the secret with the tome of knowledge and the potions. However, when I opened the secret button in that room to leave, it closed the door into the main area of the skulls, and now I can't reach the skulls again. Are we meant to sacrifice the skulls in order to get the secret?
I couldn't find a way back in, so I assume so. It's not a great design decision as it punishes Minotaur characters heavily; losing 8 strength for 1 in wil, str, dex, and vit is not a fair trade. I just spawned another 8 skulls with the console command `spawn("skull")`.
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by DonEmilio »

I got today the “bad” ending (without elixir of youth) playing on hard difficulty (version 2.1) and starting with a group on level 1 without any help or looking anything on the internet. It's the most frustrating mod I've ever played, not because of the combat (which also have their crime because most of them require a save before, see how the combat is, die and then load and act accordingly with what you have seen, also too many traps where for example you fall down a hole and you are surrounded by 3 or 4 snakes, again you solve it with a “load”), but because of the puzzles and the pyramid maps (at one point I didn't understand anything), I've been pissed off 75% of the time I've been playing. Maybe someday I'll see in some youtube video everything I still have to see (which is a lot), "I don't have patience" for more.

Having the whole group starving by digging twice or using the rope is extremely annoying, and sleep is out of the question, these guys must be on amphetamines because in this mod you don't sleep the equivalent of half an hour every 24 hours in real life, you would starve to death XD

That at the beginning there is so much to do underwater and you don't know the underwater breathing spell or don't have the skills to use the underwater breathing spell is very annoying too (and it works badly sometimes).

The difficulty of many bosses consisted of spawns appearing every few seconds (an easy, boring and repetitive resource): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe1ePYAVA-o

"Final" statistics: https://postimg.cc/WhXHYN8m

A strange thing that has happened to me in this mod and it has never happened to me in any other mod in such a big way is that I have even had 5 or 6 notes that gave a clue to where a buried treasure, knowing to which level those clues corresponded to, I was not able to find the treasures with those clues (and let's see who dares to "dig a little bit more" if by digging two or three times the whole group is already starving), is it my own stupidity? bad clues? a bit of both? xD

In spite of everything, I liked the surface levels :-)
Last edited by DonEmilio on Sun Mar 02, 2025 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by DonEmilio »

Completed second game discovering all the secrets. I had to use the console to solve some bugs of version 2.5 (modified by Whisper). I also had to look for help on the internet to discover some 5 secrets that were resisting and I think that without that help I would have never discovered them. I liked it a lot, but discovering everything is really difficult and I believe that there are missing clues to many things.
For example the secret of the cheese, the rats and the golden key
Final statistics: https://postimg.cc/nM4yXv3k

All maps, secrets and treasures (SPOILER): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFOx0TOlYI0
There are two treasures that I found no clue and if I looked for them is because I found a scroll with a list of secrets and treasures per level, I almost went crazy looking for those treasures, one in Whispering forest, to the southeast and another in troll caves, to the southwest. Bless that scroll of secrets, everything changed since I found it.

Finding some treasures, even with the note with the clue, was not easy.

There are 100 secrets, 12 treasures, 17 epic items, 26 levels, 20 skulls, 27 gold keys, 8 power gems.

Unfortunately I discovered late what the power gems were for, it would have been very useful at the time, there should be some good clue about this.

Bugs in v2.5 (Adrageron + Whisper): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... TXQIvjzal1
Last edited by DonEmilio on Mon Mar 03, 2025 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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