Finished "Exiles Quest" (Steam version). I had to resort once to the Steam forums (I'll have to live with that shame xD) for the puzzle of the 3 buttons called “1, 2 and 3” in “Dragonspare Castle” and I discovered that it has a bug, even if you do the sequence correctly and fast it doesn't come out the first time. I recorded a video to show it.
Secrets: 8/10
Epic items: 14/15
Levels visited: 16/18
Skulls: 10
Buried treasures: 2/3
Golden treasures: 4 (all)
Gold keys used: 2
There are some minor visual bugs throughout the game (it has little importance) and a bug in which in some level (Cragsclefs Depths) you fall into a hole that you should not be able to fall and you are locked without solution (once you know it, it doesn't matter too much).
I also have a “complaint” regarding the secrets: Supposedly there are only 10 secrets, but in reality there are many more, many secret buttons that open walls to rooms with good items (even weapons like "ancient claymore") and yet they don't count as secrets. I also think that when you press a secret button the secret should not be triggered by pressing the button but when you enter the room it opened.
Bug 3 buttons puzzle “Dragonspare Castle”:
In the video you can see that the speed of hitting the buttons is perfect, in fact, the only time it worked I hit it slower than others.
In the center-west of the map there is a secret button that opens a wall and a small room with an empty alcove, is there anything to do here?
In the northwest area there is a stone face and in front of it a ghost shots or magic receiver, I haven't found any way to make that face shoot at that receiver.
1 lever and 2 buttons and a text: "Ouroboros, king of worms. Devours its tail, knowledge in his belly. Count how many turns he makes. North is up and down is south." No idea what to do with this.
To the southwest of everything there are two small rooms with items closed with a gate, I have no idea how to open them, I have found all the secret buttons of that level and nothing opens them.
Discovered: You have to step on the boxes on the floor in a specific order, you are warned by a little noise that you can hardly hear.
To the south is a ladder where you climb up and pick up a note that says NOTHING. There is also a room in front of this ladder in which there is an empty alcove and apparently there is nothing to do there (I have searched everything thoroughly).
In the northeast area there is a lever and two buttons and a sign that reads: "I am a product of the south-west. Find me out and punch me in. Pull the lever when you're done."
Solved by testing combinations (I think I was lucky): Left button 1 time, right button 2 times, left button 2 times and press the lever, the wall opens and you get a poor reward. I don't understand the logic that relates those buttons and lever with the text.
Are the four golden treasures of any use? Goromorg, Crown, Chalice, Deity.
16/18 - Are there really 2 more unvisited levels? Maybe one of them managed to fall down a Pit of Faithless hole?
I found 2, in the stats it says “2/3”, is there really a third one? Where is it?
Overall I liked the mod, except for the infamous “Dragonspear Castle” puzzle.
Greetings and thank you!