XP much slower on iPad ?

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XP much slower on iPad ?

Post by Calys »

Hi all,

I'm about to finish my second walkhrough in hard, and it seems I'm gaining so much more slowly than the Steam players. I ended my first playthrough with my characters at level 10, about to hit 11, while everybody in the forums seem to end up at level 13 or so.
I thought this might be due to myself not finding enough monsters to fight, therefore for my second playthrough, I aimed at finding all secrets, all treasures, etc... I'm about to enter the prison with 69/71 secrets found, all monsters slain on the upper levels (with a bit of ice lizard grinding on top) and currently my 4 characters are at level 10, about halfway to 11 (more or less 18,000XP / 36,000 required to level up to 11). That's very far from (about 100,000 XP) from level 13 and the sweet sweet 50-point perks everyone is talking about. I've also read reports of other players saying that they hit lvl 7 on the 4th floor, while I barely hit 5 at the end of it.

Have I missed something important or is the XP system just completely different for iPad ? Anyone having the same issue ?

Thanks in advance for your help !
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Re: XP much slower on iPad ?

Post by AEWHistory »

This is old, but if anyone has an answer I’d be curious. I’m about the finish LoG on my iPad (love the game, but I don’t care for the ending at all) and my characters are all about 11th lvl. This was with a modest amount of grinding (killing those Uggardians in lvl 6 started to get fun). I read one person claimed to have their characters up to lvl27!!! I can’t imagine how much grinding that must’ve taken...... seems implausible to me, but I can’t say for sure.
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Re: XP much slower on iPad ?

Post by minmay »

Here's the experience required for the first 50 levels in the original Grimrock:

Code: Select all

1	0
2	850
3	2014
4	3609
5	5794
6	8788
7	12890
8	18510
9	26209
10	36757
11	51208
12	71006
13	98129
14	135288
15	186196
16	255940
17	351489
18	482391
19	661727
20	907417
21	1244013
22	1705150
23	2336908
24	3202416
25	4388162
26	6012635
27	8238163
28	11287136
29	15464229
30	21186847
31	29026834
32	39767616
33	54482488
34	74641863
35	102260207
36	140097338
37	191934208
38	262950720
39	360243342
40	493534235
41	676142758
42	926316435
43	1269054372
44	1738605346
45	2381890181
46	3263190405
47	4470571712
48	6124684102
49	8390818077
50	11495421623
Level 27 takes 8,238,163 experience. To grind that up, you'd need to kill 6,477 uggardians or 12,204 ice lizards. Implausible for sure.
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Re: XP much slower on iPad ?

Post by Isaac »

I have read of (but not tested) an IOS version exploit that allows unlimited skill points from the start; an exploit in the character generation screen.

Grimrock has at least one place of infinite respawning monsters; the ice lizards. A max-skilled, but still low level party might have an easy time with them, and in other locations. This exploit might allow players to level up the first several levels quickly.

*But of course the console can work, so they could just add XP to their champions I'd assume.
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