Food / Torches

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Food / Torches

Post by Jendai »

Are food and torch "duration" time based or movement based? I.e. does food last X seconds or Y number of tile movements? I am playing old school mode and want to know if I should esc/pause the game while drawing the map and making notes.

By the way, awesome game. Although I have many choices like this over at GOG, it's fantastic to actually play a new game in this genre. Thanks for supporting DRM free gaming by making this available at GOG.
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Re: Food / Torches

Post by Porkdish »

They burn out in real time while gumps are open. I was jotting down my recipes and spells (in order to dump the scrolls) while staring at a wall and my torch ran out. I don't map the dungeon myself but it seems I'm forced to keep at least some notes by the inventory management :).

Good luck with your maps.
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Re: Food / Torches

Post by Crashbanito »

Torches burn out when equipped over time. Food does not rot.
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Re: Food / Torches

Post by Jendai »

Thanks for the replies. I'll keep wearing out my ESC key then.

Regarding torches, it appears wall holders stop the timer. Putting a dead torch in a wall holder won't relight it. However, putting a dimming torch into a holder will keep it light. So one strategy is to continually swap new found torches with older but still light ones as you progress through the level.
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Re: Food / Torches

Post by IndigoAK »

Jendai wrote:Thanks for the replies. I'll keep wearing out my ESC key then.

Regarding torches, it appears wall holders stop the timer. Putting a dead torch in a wall holder won't relight it. However, putting a dimming torch into a holder will keep it light. So one strategy is to continually swap new found torches with older but still light ones as you progress through the level.
I've formed a habit of switching dimming torches with fully lit ones. Not only do I get a new torch, but the dim one I just placed will give off full light in the sconce.
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Re: Food / Torches

Post by Fugu »

Mage light spell all the way! :D

Food or rather the food meter also runs out time based. If you rest you'll soon see that it depletes quicker. That's why going to the blue stones is sometimes more desirable.
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