Two other problems.....

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Two other problems.....

Post by AEWHistory »

So I have already posted about my problems trying to get my grubby little hands on the Sword of Nex. Hwoever, I am having two other issues that I wanted to ask about and I thought putting them in a unique thread would be best.

1. Do you need the Sword of Nex, or to do something associated with that secret, in order to access the fighter’s challenge?

2. On level 7 I am having another timing issue. The room where the demon heads shoot bursts of energy that you’re supposed to block with your body seems implausibly difficult. I can normally get something like 5-6 moves into this easily. Then the shots speed up so fast that my characters cannot move from zone to zone. I suspect if I was using a ‘real’ keyboard, preferably wired, I’d be able to react more quickly. On the iPad, however, I just don’t see how it can be done. Any suggestions? Am I missing something?

Many thanks!
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Re: Two other problems.....

Post by Dr.Disaster »

While there is no more need to reply to your first question since you finally managed to get the Sword of Nex let's have some hints on the other question.

Back in the day when LoG was new people with really old or weak GPU hardware faced the same problem as you do. Their solution was to either reduce the game's display resolution and/or rendering quality. Check under game options what you can do to make things easier for your iPad's GPU.
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Re: Two other problems.....

Post by AEWHistory »

Dr.Disaster wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2019 7:17 pm While there is no more need to reply to your first question since you finally managed to get the Sword of Nex let's have some hints on the other question.

Back in the day when LoG was new people with really old or weak GPU hardware faced the same problem as you do. Their solution was to either reduce the game's display resolution and/or rendering quality. Check under game options what you can do to make things easier for your iPad's GPU.
Hi Dr. D, I Will double check the iPad that I’ve got LoG on (not accessible at the moment) but I am almost certain that the only things under the game options were sound volume and maybe one or two other things that didn’t help. I had checked at one point when I was trying to do the SoNex timed challenge and I recall feeling like there wasn’t anything helpful there.

However, that doesn’t mean this isn’t a pertinent point. I am playing on an iPad Mini 1. This is definitely not state of the art hardware any longer.

I think one of my problems is that it is sometimes difficult to figure out when I can move. The blasts seems to be moving at somewhat different speeds (it might be a trick of perspective, however). To make matters worse, you need to stay long enough to block the blast but get over to block the next one. Oftentimes it is basically impossible to gauge when I have blocked one in time to get over.

As an aside. I am playing the game on Hard. Does that make the timing on the puzzles harder?

EDIT: I almost forgot, but yea, I can’t believe that I got Nex. I wasn’t even trying to make it on that run, it was just going to be a practice. I think that made me stop panicking and/or overthinking things. Something similar happened when I went down to fight that mass of Herders (level 8 I think?).

Many thanks for your help!
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Re: Two other problems.....

Post by Komag »

dumb question, but you aren't turning, are you?
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Re: Two other problems.....

Post by Isaac »

Additionally... Is anyone in your party wounded, or overburdened? (That would make it impossible)
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Re: Two other problems.....

Post by AEWHistory »

Komag wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:46 am dumb question, but you aren't turning, are you?
Not a dumb question, but no, I’m not turning. To follow up, no one is burdened or wounded so far as I can tell. Generally a burdened character will not only move slower, but your get that annoying grunting sound that makes you wonder if your character and their pack maybe need a little alone time..... sure sounds like someone is going to town. :shock:

Basically, I enter to room, face the side where the blasts are coming and side step back and forth. On a mechanical keyboard I might have better luck. It is tough to know if your click has registered sometimes.

As an aside, do you have to stay until the blast hits you? I’ve been waiting and it slows me down, but I assumed I needed to physically block the blasts.

This has largely become a moot point as I finally bypassed it, but hopefully this thread will help someone else in the future.
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Re: Two other problems.....

Post by Komag »

You do need to physically block them, but timed correctly, you can begin to move to the next sq and if you're still mostly in the current sq it will be blocked, you sort of get a head start to the next sq.
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