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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Haven't tested it yet, but as it works as I think it does I plan to auto disable the trigger after each first map transition so that it doesn't become obnoxious. Just only 1 time when introduced to a new map.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
I have been using entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,.1)) here and there with varying degrees of success.
it's a quick and dirty way of giving stuff another color and if you keep the values (0.05 - 0.1) low enough then it doesn't look like it's irradiated. It's helpful for giving multiple objects in close proximity another way to look slightly more unique. Trees for example.
Now some quick questions,
1. if I give the model of a monster a different color with entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,.1)) for example. And then proceed to kill this enemy. Will my mod crash later on seeing how it can't find the entity anymore after loading a saved game?
In this screenshot for example I have given the knight a cold blueish look, I have suspended their animation, so they look like they're frozen solid. You light the campfire so that they get warmer, this triggers a delayed call: entity.animation:enable() so they start moving again.
Now what I want to achieve is for example that their blue color slightly disappears gradually. Is there a script or some way to fadeout the emissiveColor over a period of several seconds back to neutral?
Going from entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,.1)) gradually to entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,0)) over the course of 10 seconds.
Basically in the same way like this script hooked to a timer where i make stuff move up or down
if posY < startHeight then
posY = posY - 0.005
I hope you understand what I'm trying to achieve
it's a quick and dirty way of giving stuff another color and if you keep the values (0.05 - 0.1) low enough then it doesn't look like it's irradiated. It's helpful for giving multiple objects in close proximity another way to look slightly more unique. Trees for example.
Now some quick questions,
1. if I give the model of a monster a different color with entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,.1)) for example. And then proceed to kill this enemy. Will my mod crash later on seeing how it can't find the entity anymore after loading a saved game?
In this screenshot for example I have given the knight a cold blueish look, I have suspended their animation, so they look like they're frozen solid. You light the campfire so that they get warmer, this triggers a delayed call: entity.animation:enable() so they start moving again.
Now what I want to achieve is for example that their blue color slightly disappears gradually. Is there a script or some way to fadeout the emissiveColor over a period of several seconds back to neutral?
Going from entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,.1)) gradually to entity.model:setEmissiveColor(vec(0,0,0)) over the course of 10 seconds.
Basically in the same way like this script hooked to a timer where i make stuff move up or down
if posY < startHeight then
posY = posY - 0.005
I hope you understand what I'm trying to achieve
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Emissive color is emisive.
As for the Knight, why not this?
* If you want it animated, it will have to be a lower duration. The effect seems affected by the condition timer. It's strange. Setting it at up to a million looks good. The 5 million range creates a slideshow framerate, while setting it to math.huge eliminates all shading—flat 2D screenspace.
**The frozen effect only works [well] with single material monsters.
(That's actually the reason that multi-material monsters are immune to freezing.)
As for the Knight, why not this?
Code: Select all"frozen", 99999999)
Code: Select all"frozen", 0)
**The frozen effect only works [well] with single material monsters.
(That's actually the reason that multi-material monsters are immune to freezing.)
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Well mainly because I don't know how to change colors of things in a better way.
And offcourse setCondition to frozen is indeed a better way of achieving my goal
Thanks Isaac
However I still want to accomplish my ininital idea of a timer hooked up to something like
if emissivecolor < StartColor then
emissivecolor = emissivecolor - 0.0001
where an object will gradually change it's emissive color.
For example where you heat stuff up and it starts to glow red gradually, overheats and then explodes.
I'm experimenting with a contraption I'm making.
And offcourse setCondition to frozen is indeed a better way of achieving my goal
Thanks Isaac
However I still want to accomplish my ininital idea of a timer hooked up to something like
if emissivecolor < StartColor then
emissivecolor = emissivecolor - 0.0001
where an object will gradually change it's emissive color.
For example where you heat stuff up and it starts to glow red gradually, overheats and then explodes.
I'm experimenting with a contraption I'm making.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
You can do that with a simple timer calling the function repeatedly.
Something like this (but could be made simpler) :
Something like this (but could be made simpler) :
Code: Select all
function fadeColor(objectId, step)
if type(objectId) == "string" then
local object = findEntity(objectId)
if object then
if not object.model:getEmissiveColor() then
if object.model:getEmissiveColor()[1] < 1 or
object.model:getEmissiveColor()[2] < 1 or
object.model:getEmissiveColor()[3] < 1
local minimum = 0.001
local step = step or -.01
if object.model:getEmissiveColor()[1] > minimum or
object.model:getEmissiveColor()[2] > minimum or
object.model:getEmissiveColor()[3] > minimum
object.model:setEmissiveColor( object.model:getEmissiveColor() + vec(step,step,step) )
function object1()
fadeColor("snake_statue_1", -.02) --negative step value darkens, positive value lightens
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Remember to scale the change by Time.deltaTime() instead of just changing it by 0.01 each frame! Otherwise it will take longer to fade the lower the framerate is.
Grimrock 1 dungeon
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I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Sounds great, I'll experiment with this later today
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Much better; and I should have remembered that.
This has turned into a fun experiment. —[Which might still have bugs!]
Code: Select all
function fadeColor(objectId, step, timer)
if type(objectId) == "string" then
local object = findEntity(objectId)
if object then
local function filter(target)
for x = 1, 3 do
if target[x] > 0 and target[x] <= 1 then
else target[x] = math.floor(target[x]+0.5)
return target
if not object.model:getEmissiveColor() then
local emColor = object.model:getEmissiveColor()
step = iff( step, vec(emColor[1]*step,emColor[2]*step,emColor[3]*step) , vec(emColor[1]*.01,emColor[2]*.01,emColor[3]*.01) )
object.model:setEmissiveColor( filter(emColor+step*(Time.deltaTime()*10)) )
emColor = object.model:getEmissiveColor()
if (emColor[1] < 0.001 or emColor[1] >= 1) and
(emColor[2] < 0.001 or emColor[2] >= 1) and
(emColor[3] < 0.001 or emColor[3] >= 1) then
Connect timers to any of the example functions below; make more functions (one for each object) as needed.
For the examples, add three snake_staues to the map, and they will change colors.
----------------------------------------------------------------------deletable examples:
if snake_statue_1 and snake_statue_2 and snake_statue_3 then
To be affected, a color value must be greater or less than zero; zero values are ignored.
Non-zero color values will be proportionately incremented either brighter, or darker depending on
whether the step value is positive or negative.
function object1(stop)
fadeColor("snake_statue_1", -.05, stop) --negative step value darkens, positive value lightens
function object2(stop)
fadeColor("snake_statue_2", .25, stop) --negative step value darkens, positive value lightens
function object3(stop)
fadeColor("snake_statue_3", -.1, stop) --negative step value darkens, positive value lightens
Last edited by Isaac on Sun Feb 03, 2019 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
I'm still not sure how the script entirely works, but I find it interesting that I can achieve intenser colors with it.
Trees on the right are default, the trees on the left I have darkened with the script. Looks pretty sweet.
It makes the trees and leaves simply look better and you can bring more variety changing the numbers on each tree individually while running the exact same script
Trees on the right are default, the trees on the left I have darkened with the script. Looks pretty sweet.
It makes the trees and leaves simply look better and you can bring more variety changing the numbers on each tree individually while running the exact same script
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
They look good.
The script is intended for realtime color shifting. It's overkill to use it for static/permanent changes at load time.
Any color you can get with this script, can just be assigned directly, and with just one line.
If you know the color values, then you can place a script with only the adjustment calls, and it should work.
The script is intended for realtime color shifting. It's overkill to use it for static/permanent changes at load time.
Any color you can get with this script, can just be assigned directly, and with just one line.
If you know the color values, then you can place a script with only the adjustment calls, and it should work.