Average Age ...

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Re: Average Age ...

Post by arbiter7 »

34 - an old man
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Badsync »

15, I guess I win.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by regomar »

30 here.

Grew up on the C64 and played the Wizardry series on NES and SNES when they came out. My favorite was 5.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by robobot »

20 years old, here. I had no idea that LoG attracted such a mature audience! :P
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Halk »

Well, do remember that gamers (I hate that word) are a mature audience. It tends to be the young disproportionately loud morons that get all the attention though :)
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Rorrik »

23, but been playing old school games since the age of 3, thanks to an epic dad. Come to think of it, I should show him this game, he'd love it!
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Fugu »

I'm 25.
For as long as I can remember I played video games. We had a pimped Commodore Amiga 2000 with a whopping 1MB memory and a motherboard that could be switched on and off in different parts for hacking and pirating. My father used to be very handy with it but never got used to PC.
I remember that we had (and in fact still have if I'd bother and search for it in the attic) a giant box full of 3,5 floppys of pirated games. Among them were also the Eye of the Beholder titles. I was too young though to understand those games. :D

Videogames are still my favourite hobby. I know a lot about them, have played almost every notable series, have tons of old consoles and am the leader of a clan now. And because I care about games so much I am very happy to see such a cool but undersupplied genre that is the genre of Dungeon Crawlers come back to life in a fun and amazing looking fashion!
It's good to know that this game sells well and I hope that it will spark a revival of this genre. The industry may have gotten worse when it comes to the big gaming companies but thankfully indie developement has gotten easier when it comes to actually selling the game.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by zeidrich »

I'm 30.

One of my first really favorite games was Dungeon Master on the Amiga.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by Thoughtless »

Well you guys might be pleasantly surprised but I am 14 going onto 15 years old. :) Call me a hipster kid but I like this genre of gaming.
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Re: Average Age ...

Post by nianu »

i'm 26 :mrgreen:
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