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this is of course my first atempt also. But I did it as a starting function. This doesn't work. If I put it into a function and trigger it by a device it works.
Anyway. Danke!
THOM formaly known as tschrage _______________________________________________ My MOD (LoG1):Castle RingfortThread My MOD (LoG2):Journey To JusticeThread | Download
this is of course my first atempt also. But I did it as a starting function. This doesn't work. If I put it into a function and trigger it by a device it works.
Anyway. Danke!
Was the starting function called with a Delay Call (set to something like 0.1) ?
If not, do try using a delayedCall( )
this is of course my first atempt also. But I did it as a starting function. This doesn't work. If I put it into a function and trigger it by a device it works.
Anyway. Danke!
Was the starting function called with a Delay Call (set to something like 0.1) ?
If not, do try using a delayedCall( )
Or a self-deactivating floor trigger at the starting location
It didn't worked as an open function to be triggered at start. But as akroma222 said: It's probably a matter of a missing delay...
Got it to work as intended meanwhile...
THOM formaly known as tschrage _______________________________________________ My MOD (LoG1):Castle RingfortThread My MOD (LoG2):Journey To JusticeThread | Download
Is it possible to get the position of a given champion?
I want to swap the position of on champ - I have his odinal number - do I get somehow his position?
I need it for to use party.part:swapChampions(i, j)
THOM formaly known as tschrage _______________________________________________ My MOD (LoG1):Castle RingfortThread My MOD (LoG2):Journey To JusticeThread | Download
ordinal = 1
function test()
for i = 1, 4 do
local champion =
if champion and (champion:getOrdinal() == ordinal) then
print("index = " .. tostring(i))
THOM formaly known as tschrage _______________________________________________ My MOD (LoG1):Castle RingfortThread My MOD (LoG2):Journey To JusticeThread | Download
To piggy back on the food question. Is there a way to 'lock' a champions food bar, until say an item is used or spell is cast? For example a 'curse of hunger' until remove curse is cast. Could also work in the opposite with an elixir of plenty where it stops champions decay for a period of time.
The multiple magic school spell pack from andakrainor has a custom spell called feast.
For 30 seconds your food bar will slowly regenerate.
Perhaps you can use this info to create this into a negative condition where it will deplete your food bar instead of regenerate for xx amount of time.