[Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by THOM »


The current file is R52 and on dropbox. I've revised the two levels Abandoned Village (major changes) and Village East (minor changes). Mainly I've altered the appearance of the houses (not the size) and of the central plaza of the village. Take a look at it - feedback is welcome.

At the moment AdrTru is working on the file. After him sps999 and Duncan1246 are in the line.

I've contacted most of all modders to talk about their rooms. Diarmuid and minmay are the last ones I have to do - soon :)

Until today I couldn't get in touch with Eleven Warrior, Azel, The cube (missed in the forum since oct 2015) and most notably Jgwman. The last was somehow the last authority over the project and it's sad that I cannot talk with him about my 'takeover'. If anyone has a contact to one of them beside the forum options I would be happy to get help.

A few people are supporting currently with their skills. Skuggs is still working on some additional models, Isaac will do the missing Ratling-animation and AndakRainor is ready to look over his spell-pack and to script some needed features.

That's for now.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by aaneton »

Thank you for your hard work!
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

Post by THOM »

Time for an Update:

AdrTru has fixed and improved his room. It's finished now on my opinion.

Meanwhile Isaac and I worked on a lot of fixes, improvements and inventions that now will be implemented.

Still I think we can reach a release at the end of the year...
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

Post by THOM »

Progress! :D

A lot has happened with the map. More and more rooms getting revised. A bunch of new features has been added.

AndakRainor has invented a remarkable event for the Holy Icon Of Bardwell.

Isaac is currently working on the threatening Black Seal for the Dark Tower.

The Village is close to be finished. The Asylum is close to be finished

If you want to have a look at the latest file and give some feedback: It's in the usual dropbox folder.

@aaneton: Sorry for not responding to your last posting. Yes, it's a lot of work. But it's also fun. 8-)
I have revised your two rooms as we have spoken about. Maybe you want to look if you are happy with it...
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

Post by aaneton »

Wow, looks nice! I will check them out! :D
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

Post by minmay »

I've uploaded revision 56. I decided to move The Colour of Magic to the Upper Tower level rather than the Experiment Chamber level so that it could be reached with a single set of stairs. Changes:

Code: Select all

- Tower of Babble:
  - boss changes (mostly nerfs):
    - reduced the animation speed of the earth guardian's attacks by 33%
    - reduced the animation speed of the earth guardian's heal by 33% and moved
      the heal event a frame earlier
    - reduced the attack power of the earth guardian's attacks to 16 (was 30)
    - reduced the attack power of the water guardian's attacks to 16 (previously
      the water bolt was 30 and the cone blast was 20)
    - reduced the earth guardian's health to 350 (was 500)
    - reduced the water guardian's health to 500 (was 750)
    - reduced the storm guardian's health to 1250 (was 1500)
    - increased the storm guardian's protection to 5 (was 0)
    - reduced the animation speed of the storm guardian's basic attacks by 33%
    - reduced the animation speed of the storm guardian's lightning strike by
      26%, and you now have 1.0s to dodge instead of 0.8s
    - replaced the storm guardian's homing projectiles with a pair of checker
      patterned lightning blasts
    - changed all of storm guardian's attacks to have attack power 16 (was 20)
    - storm guardian now falls back to checker attack if strike is on cooldown
    - storm guardian checker attack cooldown lowered to 5 (was 6) since it's
      less dangerous than the homing projectiles
    - Bug fix: standing directly in front of the storm guardian no longer
      makes it do almost nothing
  - enabled the warning sounds on the red 'X's
  - hint scrolls now spawn on the previous level of the tower
    instead of the bottom
  - hint scrolls are now visually distinct; should be impossible to miss
  - added solution scrolls for the required puzzles (not the
    optional ones though). They spawn two levels down from the puzzle.
  - added an additional sack (for players who want to carry
    around all the scrolls and messages)
  - added many new "weird strings" and moved the weird strings
    table to the Config table so it won't be serialized
  - changed "The answer is missing" to "Show what is missing"

- The Colour of Magic:
  - moved room to Upper Tower so that it and Enchanted Tower's first room don't
    ruin each others' performance. Good thing I designed it from the start to be
    easy to move. This did require adding new stairs, though.
  - deleted the low-detail assets, at THOM's direction
  - Bug fix: updated the ambient track that it resets to, since it's now
    "tower_atmo" rather than "fortress"
  - Bug fix: the help text no longer occupies the same space as the spell pack
  - Bug fix: the background music now stops immediately when you enter the shop,
    instead of taking 1 to 3 extra frames
  - Changed saturation to a non-linear curve so that colors become distinguishable
    more quickly

- Upper Tower:
  - set ambient track to "tower_atmo" for consistency with the other
    tower levels (was "dungeon")

- Asylum Grounds:
  - Bug fix: removed an empty connector from crowern_1
  - Moved chest_18 above ground, removed the stone ring around it, and unlocked

- Asylum Dungeon:
  - Removed the second target for Disoriented Light, it was annoying to reach
    and didn't add anything. Instead, the main target gives you the full reward.
    (The cannon balls are now in chest_18)
  - Replaced the two scattered quarrels in the Disoriented Light area with a
    wooden box containing seven quarrels

- Other:
  - Commented out the entirety of speechQinea.lua, as it was preventing the
    dungeon from exporting and is currently unused
  - Bug fix: Combined the FOUR definitions of water_surface_calm into one, so
    that all of the rooms using it work as intended. This one definition lives
    in mod_assets/core/scripts/reduced_standard_assets/objects/water.lua, which
    is now used.
@AndakRainor, the "holy icon" thing causes the game to freeze for me if I'm using the OpenGL renderer, right before drawing the second 'e' in the "I have been silent" line. So I suspect it'll crash for anyone using the Mac version of the game.

@THOM, according to the changelog you've changed the Asylum, the Forgotten Bog, aaneton's and Xanathar's rooms, and more, but you didn't indicate how you changed any of these things...
The point of the changelog is to record what the changes are. What, exactly, did you change about these rooms?
It's really hard for other people to work on the mod if they have to spend hours figuring out how the last person changed it.

Skuggasveinn's room has a new (to me) bug: the green wizard at the beginning doesn't teleport away, so you can kill him twice...

The spell pack is still redefining the "sack" and "wooden_box" objects. It's also adding an extra ModelComponent and TimerComponent to every item, monster, and secret button in the entire mod. That seems likely to screw up someone's room, not to mention the effect on serialization performance.

Finally, some bad, but important news: at least one person has been secretly changing other people's rooms. Somewhere between revision 52 and revision 54, the bear skull helm in The Cube's room disappeared! It looks like the tomb walls in Eleven Warrior's room got changed into Grimrock 1 temple walls at some point. There's no note in the changelog about either of these things. Who knows what other rooms have been changed without anyone knowing... my rooms seemed to be intact but I don't know about others'.
To whoever is doing this, please please PLEASE note it in the changelog! If someone messed with your room without telling anyone, and you didn't find out until the mod got released, you'd be pretty pissed, right? If you find something that needs to be changed, great, and if you want to change it yourself that can be fine too, but you NEED to put it in the changelog so that people know about it!

And to whoever takes the file next, remember to change "mod_assets/ext/miscellaneous/cozy_furniture/textures//WizDishes_spec.dds" to "mod_assets/ext/miscellaneous/cozy_furniture/textures/WizDishes_spec.dds" in mod_assets/ext/miscellaneous/cozy_furniture/scripts/cozy.lua. I forgot to do it.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

Post by THOM »

Well, I've changed a lot at the common areas and havn't stated everything in the changlog, that's true. Mostly because it was too much to mention everything in detail.

I'm not quite sure at all about how much should be reported there. And sadly the discipline to put changes on record isn't very rigid. Since I've started to manage the project I had to add several entries because the modder forgot about that.

The changes I've made in the rooms of aaneton and Xanathar where done with permission of them both and after I dicussed with them what I am going to do. And at least aaneton had a look into his rooms meanwhile and we are fine with it. That's most important.

I was also the one who swapped the tomb walls to the temple walls in the room of Eleven Warrior (I've erased mostly the whole tomb tileset at all). I could have mention that in the changelog, that's true. But I'm still waiting to get in contact with Eleven Warrior to discuss things like that with himself.

That items given in the rooms could be swapped or deleted is something I consider as being inevitable. Of course it should be handeld with care only to make sure it doesn't break something in the room. And I would never touch new items from the modder.

I havn't done any changes to rooms that where not coordinated with the author. But I also havn't mention them in the changelog then bvecause I think that's something between the modder and me. The only exception it the tomb/temple wall thing.

I havn't reported all alterations I've made concerning items. And I won't, because that would burst the limits...
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

Post by minmay »

THOM wrote:I'm not quite sure at all about how much should be reported there.
Everything. Every change should be reported in the changelog. That's the point of a changelog. We're not using git where every commit comes with a nice automatic diff, so when you make a change, you have to tell the other developers about it.
THOM wrote:The changes I've made in the rooms of aaneton and Xanathar where done with permission of them both and after I dicussed with them what I am going to do. And at least aaneton had a look into his rooms meanwhile and we are fine with it. That's most important.
Great, but you still haven't answered my question: what did you change about them, and what does "several implementations and fixes" mean? When I took the file, I had to spend more time trying to figure out what changed than I did on actually making my own changes. I had to spend several extra hours because you wouldn't spend several extra minutes to describe your changes in the changelog.
THOM wrote:That items given in the rooms could be swapped or deleted is something I consider as being inevitable. Of course it should be handeld with care only to make sure it doesn't break something in the room. And I would never touch new items from the modder.
Well in my opinion whoever deleted the bear skull helm from The Cube's room should put it back, because it was important to the theme: it was found with the bear druid's remains.
And more importantly: no matter how inevitable it is, whoever does it should still put it in the changelog!!! Because now I'm afraid that someone will screw with the items in my rooms without telling me.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

Post by THOM »

Most of the items you are giving away in Tower of Babble are new (if It remember right - can't look into the file ATM). I won't change anything with them. Maybe some stats of them have to be altered during final balancing (as I told you already). But even if there are other items: If you really want, I won't do anything with all of them without informing you.
In Colours of Light loot is given by a special device. I don't know if I would be able to alter anything there but you can be sure: I won't do because I'm too afraid to break anything.

Concerning the rooms of others: Why is It important for you to know exactly what has been changed in other peoples' rooms? Why are you spending "hours" to get behind this? Does it affect your own rooms in any way? Or do you just want to know?

Anyway, I'm not at home this week. I can't give an answer in any case.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

Post by minmay »

THOM wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:31 pmConcerning the rooms of others: Why is It important for you to know exactly what has been changed in other peoples' rooms? Why are you spending "hours" to get behind this? Does it affect your own rooms in any way?
Of course it does. Even putting aside monster/item balance, some rooms have unusual items or features that can impact other rooms, such as the boots of blinding speed - this isn't inherently bad, but the people making other rooms need to know about it. Then there are the times when a change inadvertently affects another room; that water material redefinition fiasco was breaking three rooms, two of which were mine.

And that aside, updating the changelog isn't just for me, it's for the benefit of everyone else working on the project too.
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