Mysterious wrote:how do I remove a Skill from a champ EG: air_magic or any other Skill they have..?
Any skills that you have defined in a lua script and imported from your init.lua, ie:
Code: Select all
import "mod_assets/scripts/party/skills.lua"
will be displayed in the champion Skills menu tab
If you want to remove a skill from your mod entirely, do not include it in your skills.lua
(and dont import the asset pack's skills.lua either - you will need to re-add the skills you want from the asset pack in your own skills.lua)
To reduce the level of a skill, use:
Code: Select all
champion:trainSkill('throwing', -1)
Of interest here - minmay has pointed out that the game actually records skill levels beyond level 5
Also, here is a script I put together - originally adapted from minmays work with managing Traits - that will manage skill bonuses being added and removed from champions cleanly (without messing up the skill levels)
viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9024&p=88389&hilit ... ger#p88389