Level 6 - Orge

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Level 6 - Orge

Post by Godwind »

Is it possible to defeat Orge with lv7 party?
I drop all my firebomb/Frostbomb and everything I have. But Orge still there and wipe my group.
Or is it not nesessary to defeat Orge like you can just run far away?
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Re: Level 6 - Orge

Post by Zayer »

thay do take a beating but you can kill them easly but strafing in a 2x2 block :)
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Re: Level 6 - Orge

Post by Poomermon »

Yeah he might even drop a key iirc so you have to kill him. You can kill any single enemy with strafing around it without taking any damage. Hard part is when there are multiple enemies around.
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Re: Level 6 - Orge

Post by eharper256 »

Deal with the spiders first, luring him away for a while to give you a breather if you have to (doing both at once will get you killed).

Then find a place where you can kite him. Personally, I got him in an area of about 6 squares long, stood 2 away to lure his charge, strafed it, span around and charged his back. Back away 1 square before he fully turns around, rinse, repeat. I did this at Level 8; although my Rogue has improved backstabbing which helped alot.

Obviously, don't go toe-to-toe with him!
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Re: Level 6 - Orge

Post by creocoder »

The Orge is easiest enemy in game :D
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Re: Level 6 - Orge

Post by Draken »

The ogre can easily deal 100 points of damage... which was more than enough to kill both my fighters... several dozen times... want to kill an ogre? call your rogue, he can back-stab him beautifully... BE CAREFUL!... ogres can perform "turning-attacks" where, they are facing sideways and attack you as they turn around to face you... that's why i just kept backstabbing the SOB
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Re: Level 6 - Orge

Post by rknight718 »

You could also do like me and sock him away for later. It was almost too easy. Felt like I should of had a red cape. Ole!

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