So far, you're the second person to mod on the vanilla map. It highly unlikely someone will use the vanilla map for their mod because people prefer making their own unique adventure. (Thats better in my opinion)
I agree, though I'd wish there'd be more people expanding vanilla content. The one person you're refering to might not have much endorsements over at the Nexus, but I consider his highly unterrated magic mod to be vital for my next playthrough, and I want to provide compatibility. On the other hand, I'm doing this race pack just to understand the engine and figure how to fully utilize it for another project, which will create a completely new realm outside of LoG. It's named
Stearnreik - Tales of Antorom. I already created hand drawn sketches for the world, and the next stage after the race pack, will be providing a teaser trailer cinematic for Stearnreik. It's a new planet, inside a new star system. I'm planing a lot for it. New continents, new kingdoms, new races, new magical system based on earth like physics/chemicals rather then "real" magic.
There's more then 100 sketches to fiddle around with the idea, so far the only things I'm planing to use from LoG are the tile sets and monsters, because, though I'm quite capable with Nifskope, I never created new models for all the other games I'm modding (primarly Skyrim, Fallout 4, Minecraft and Civilization 5). I'm currently made mods for 7 different games, and all mods are in a stage of ongoing expansion. I'm more or less fluid in Java, Python(and it's less powerful brother Papyrus), .html and C++. Lua is the newest addition, though I messed with it in Half-Life 2 a decade ago. I'm also quite capable with Gimp and provided tools. Ontop of that I'm a musician and have all the tools at my hand to create any possible audio content.
If you are to add a script file on the map, it won't cause any incompatibility issues with anything.
Yeah, but you can't run two dungeon based mods at the same time? So I'm aiming for a version of the race pack that will merge my changes with @leindels dungeon file. I will release the complete source as well, so people can add it to their mods/dungeons. It's going to take some time though, because I still don't have all the permissions for portrait files, taken from Deviant art and other sources. I'm capable to make my own portraits, but then the race pack would probably taken month to finish.
However, the race pack will have this content:
- races: Elfs, Half-Elfs, Dwarfs, Orcs, Wolflings, Catlings, Arachnoid, Birdlings, Fishlings, Batlings, Bearlings, Horse People and Snake People
- classes: Ranger, Mage, Archer, Bard, Spellsword, Monk, Scout, Sorcerer, Thief, Warrior, Warlock, Witchhunter
- Gender Diversity (already messed a little with it, but the results were far to complicated to provide acceptable gameplay, so this idea might be abandoned)
- limit playble races when other races are already in the party
Thanks for your tremendous input guys, I know newbies can be quite irritating. Whatever, I'm digressing...