Manual Translations

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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Myeka »

I'm actually working on a french translation but Adobe Professional is pissing me off so it's hard to edit the original pdf.

If anyone has a good software to easily edit .pdf i would be soooo grateful!

Edit: I've finish the translation except for the Story part. if anyone already had translated this part in french and want to save me the trouble of doing this myself, it would be great! :)
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Myeka »

Note to the french people who are reading this:

I'm trying to translate Crowern (which is made with the words Crow and Wyvern) into something more 'frenchie'.

Since Crow means 'Corbeau' and Wyvern means 'Dragon' or 'Guivre', so far i've come with 'Corbuivre'.
But if you find a better or more suitable name, please feel free to post it!
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Deafknight »

not easy, since there's a play on words in english. No D&D monster to relate... mmmh.

"Dragon-Corbeau" might be a simple alternative :D
Those dragon steaks were good!
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Michael_ZZ »

[[ Deutscher Text unten ]]

There's news on the German front:

1. I've made many corrections (typos etc.) to the German manual. Please note that I've changed the file name for better maintenance in the future (Petri might change the URL in the first post).

2. I've written a second manual describing all functions of the game's main screen as well as all quick tips found on the options screen and character generation (26 pages, A5 format, matching the initial manual).

Cheers, ZZ

[[ German Part ]]

Es gibt Neues auf der deutschen Seite:

1. Ich habe am deutschen Handbuch viele Korrekturen vorgenommen (hauptsächlich Rechtschreibfehler). Bitte beachtet, dass ich den Dateinamen für künftige bessere Pflege geändert habe. (Petri wird vermutlich den URL im ersten Post anpassen.)

2. Ich habe ein zweites Handbuch geschrieben, das alle Funktionen des Hauptbildschirms beschreibt, einschließlich aller Quicktipps der Einstellungen und der Charakter-Erstellung (26 Seiten, A5-Format passend zum ersten Handbuch).

Gruß, ZZ
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Bourlingueur »

Myeka wrote:Note to the french people who are reading this:

I'm trying to translate Crowern (which is made with the words Crow and Wyvern) into something more 'frenchie'.

Since Crow means 'Corbeau' and Wyvern means 'Dragon' or 'Guivre', so far i've come with 'Corbuivre'.
But if you find a better or more suitable name, please feel free to post it!
I like it! It has a nice ring to it and translates the concept well.

I wanted to participate in the translation too, but I lack the proper tools. So I'll just stick around and give my impressions instead. :mrgreen:
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Myeka »

If you're willing to participate, you can surely check and double check the translation for any mistakes. It is always nice to have different checkers with different opinion about translations.

I'm almost done with the story part, I should put the file online by the evening.
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Myeka »

There, the translated french manual can be found here.

Please excuse the crappy page settings (I wasn't able to justify the texts -_-) and I also made some arrangements in the translation so the text can fit in the pages.

Feel free to report any mistakes you can spot and i'll correct them asap.
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by kypran »

Merci pour cette excellente traduction
(hi, thanks for this good translation) :D
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Myeka »

An up-to-date version of the french manual can be found here.

Great thanks to Deledom for taking care of the page setup, and another great thanks to all_zebest for proofreading all my spelling mistakes!
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Re: Manual Translations

Post by Cyriel »

Dutch translation on hold until further notice due to irl stuff needing priority atm. Sorry folks :(
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