FINISTERRAE version 2.3

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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Octaedron
Pull the lever down, then up, then down again
=> crash
Same with the other levers.
Disable self condition added
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Under Waste
x 2
y 3
facing 3
elevation 3
level 2
After you've taken both items on the altar and defeated the ice spirits:
Put any item on the altar and take it again => another ice spirit spawns
You can do this as often as you want.
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Under Waste
x 2
y 3
facing 3
elevation 3
level 2
After you've taken both items on the altar and defeated the ice spirits:
Put any item on the altar and take it again => another ice spirit spawns
You can do this as often as you want.
Yes, it is perhaps questionable, but it's voluntary: ice guardians are here to prevent stealing of what was first given on the altar.
The blade is the only thing what worth to fight , and if you pick up only this, only one ice guardian appears
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »


The lever at:
x 29
y 23
facing 1
elevation 0
level 1

opens the hole at:
x 22
y 21
facing 0
elevation 0
level 1
(might be related to this bug that I can't reproduce anymore? viewtopic.php?f=23&t=12816&start=30#p102154 )

When I fall down the hole, I first end up in Under Waste (in the armory, in front of the secret button).
x 22
y 20
facing 0
elevation 1
level 2

A few seconds later, the mod teleports me to Candles Tower:
x 20
y 25
facing 0
elevation -1
level 3

But when I climb down the hole with a rope, I end up in Under Waste:
x 22
y 20
facing 0
elevation 2
level 2
I can still turn, but all 4 sides are blocked by invisible walls.

Now that I've explored Candles Tower, falling down the hole doesn't teleport me to Candles Tower anymore. But that's ok, because I can now enter Candles Tower from other locations.
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Wasteland

When I fall down the hole, I first end up in Under Waste (in the armory, in front of the secret button).
A few seconds later, the mod teleports me to Candles Tower
It's another attempt to bypass the trap-door asset function, but it's a failure, so I replace it by the same script I use in the cemetery.
For the story, the double arrival is the consequence of the delayedCall in this script:

Code: Select all

function opennofall()
		if (party.go.x==22 and ((party.go.y==19 and dir==3) or (party.go.y==21 and dir==0)))
		 or (party.go.x==23 and party.go.y==20 and dir==3) then
		else return
function effect()
Finally, trapdoor function starts always first, whatever is the delay, so it's a bad and complicated solution.
Zo Kath Ra wrote: might be related to this bug that I can't reproduce anymore?
Perhaps you have open the trapdoor without jumping in it, so the party hook was still working at the 22,21 coordinates ... because I haven't precised the level in the function... Much trouble for a bonus door...
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Arcanum Hub
x 25
y 17
facing 2
elevation 3
level 14

Stepping on this square (with the 8-sided compass in a champion's hands) teleports the party to:
Loki's cross
x 13
y 9
facing 2
elevation 0
level 29

But it does not open the curtain at:
x 13
y 9
facing 0
elevation 0
level 29
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Arcanum Hub
But it does not open the curtain at:
I have replaced the curtain... and forgotten to modify the script; done now.
But nevertheless, you can go out of Loki's pass even if this particular curtain is closed, or open it if you have the good "key".
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Wreck Cape
x 20
y 13
facing 0
elevation 0
level 18

I opened the lock with the ornate key found in Candles Tower.
I know I'm supposed to use this ornate key in Candles Tower, but I haven't found any other ornate keys anywhere.

Using the key opens this wall:
x 21
y 12
facing 0
elevation 0
level 18

Problem: I can't enter the area behind the wall.
+ graphical glitches

I've teleported myself past the blocked square with the console.
=> found the buddha of physicality

Problem: there's a set of stairs opposite the buddha, which is blocked.
Again, I had to use the console to teleport myself past the blocked square and enter "Athanor of Niallain".
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Re: FINISTERRAE first release

Post by Duncan1246 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:Wreck Cape
I opened the lock with the ornate key found in Candles Tower.
I know I'm supposed to use this ornate key in Candles Tower, but I haven't found any other ornate keys anywhere.
I can't enter the area behind the wall.
+ graphical glitches
there's a set of stairs opposite the buddha, which is blocked.
All this is a part of the same error (tiles with a bad cell value) you had found December the 20... it's fixed but not in the version you are playing.
For the key, another is
in the Arcanum. I suppose you have decided to resolve the riddles in Arcanum later, so you can experiment similar problems in different places, but all but one can be solved as you have done with the ornate key in Candles Tower
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

If you want to play Finisterrae, the first release is on Nexus:

Post here if you want some clues or if you experiment any issue


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