Really enjoying this great game!!!

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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by MStahl »

GeneralGonzo wrote:Yes, I can´t understand why developers sometimes don´t go back to the good old times making such jewels for the gamers.

As one can see (also in the selling charts) this kind of game is much appreciated by the gaming community.

Looking also for the X-Com remake :-)
I think conventional wisdom in developing new products suggests that "been there, done that" doesn't generate revenue. Unfortunately, that logic can push aside some games that were well designed and great fun. Perhaps a better approach is "been there, done that, let's do it again with some improvements and using modern tech". ;)

When developers roll the dice on a title like Grimrock, we all win.
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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by Rorrik »

Dandy wrote:I am taking it really, really slow, simply because I don't want the game to end.
Yea, I'll be sad when it ends too, probably start all over or look into modding. As for the immersion, I get so sucked in that if someone comes up behind and touches me I freak out and turn into "angry, our lives depend on seriousness Gandalf" mode. Had to apologize to a couple people already for intense survivalist instincts developed in the last 24 hours.
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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by swetr »

DAKlives wrote:I have not enjoyed a game this much in a very, very long time (and that includes dozens of AAA titles that cost substantially more)
Yeah, me too! Thank you devs for this great experience. (I have played only one dungeon crawler and that was Brány Skeldalu (czech dungeon crawler game frome 1998)).

This game is superb. ;)
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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by krayzkrok »

Almost Human have absolutely nailed this game. They've recaptured the feel of Dungeon Master perfectly, and achieved something that so few remakes or reimaginings manage to get right - that same sense of wonder that you experienced when you played the original.

But the real success here is that they've managed to tweak and improve the game in all the right places, a real understanding of what made Dungeon Master work but an acknowledgement of how it could be further improved. They've subtly improved it without destroying its heart. The devs just get it, and thank goodness otherwise we might have gotten a first person shooter!

And often it's the little things, the little attention to detail that you notice. The fact that I can throw a dagger at a snail, drop it down a pit, and then find that same snail (with the same dagger embedded in it) on the floor below, right underneath a hole in the ceiling. Brilliant. The fact that I can use mouselook to get a slight perspective shift to effectively look around corners, and that the view snaps in that direction when I release the button instead of going back to my original direction. The fact that I can actually see light seeping from under closed doors, and the vaguest hints of monsters moving.

And I'm only on level 2...
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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by Arkhan »

I love this game. I flailed around and told like 15 people about it. We're into old style games and get kind of bored of the new western RPG stuff.

It's proof that CRPGs from what, 20 or so years ago now, never should have ceased to exist.

I hope this game brings back a proper Might and Magic game, and Goldbox style D&D games. Baldur's Gate and such is fun and all, but isn't quite the same as Curse of the Azure Bonds

OH! and physical copies of new Wizardry games!

Japan got a physical release. Why can't we!? (They still dig Wizardry over there)

I give this game a glorious 10/10. <<< For all kinds of goony retro game nonsense, on PCE, MSX, and stuff

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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by xdeath »

I remember my brother picked up a copy of the Eye of the Beholder Trilogy years and years ago(early 2000s iirc). Despite the higher graphics and fidelity games at that time, I still found the games quite compelling and atmospheric, ...up until the point where, in order to prevent piracy, they had you enter a word found in the manual. It wasn't until years later that I found pdfs of the manual on the disc, then I got mauled by spiders in the dwarven ruins, but it was still awesome.
On topic, Legend of Grimrock is such a great game. Brings back all the good memories, and yet has all the goodies of today, namely graphics.
Although "apparently" it's based on this game called "Dungeon Master", but whatever, will always be eye of the beholder to me.

Which, btw, with the planned mapping and modding tools, Is anyone planning a remake?

I'm also impressed by the unique setting, I've never heard of an RPG world with playable minotaurs and insectoids.
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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by Arkhan »

I thought the game was inspired by more than just Dungeon Master.

Though, Dungeon Master and EOTB both play similarly, however the setting of this game is more reminiscent of EOTB to me. The first game has you slammed under the town of Waterdeep, crying yourself to sleep basically. :D lol.

There are some games with odd playable races, but the insectoids simply rule. I love bug people and lizardpeople.

I grew up playing these kind of games on accident. Most of it was already a bit out of date when I got to it. I found a used World of Xeen at the used game store around here... for 2.50$, back when I was 12 (in 2000).

and I also picked up Wizardry 1 & 2 for NES... and Eye of the Beholder for SNES, along with a bunch of other games for NES/SNES that I later discovered had DOS counterparts... along with a TON of other games. It was then that I found Ultima Collection (because of Ultima 3 for nes), along with the Forgotten Realms box (goldbox! woo!), the Wizardry archives, and M&M compilations.

Oh man was all of that stuff fun, even if it was all outdated beyond belief at the time.

My dads friend, and my friends older cousin who both grew up during this stuffs glory days, also hooked me up with Commodore 64 games, and OOP, hard to find D&D books.... along with Heart of the Maelstrom for SNES, which is my favorite Wizardry to this day.

\o/ Dungeon Crawlers rule. <<< For all kinds of goony retro game nonsense, on PCE, MSX, and stuff

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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by krayzkrok »

Dungeon Master was the original example of this type of game, coming out four years before Eye of the Beholder. It introduced all the elements that you see in Grimrock, and it's clear that it's Grimrock's major inspiration. I think you have to play Dungeon Master to see it - check out one of the many clones ( "Return to Chaos" is probably the best place to start. I love the homages that Grimrock plays to Dungeon Master, but you'd miss those if you hadn't played it. To be honest I never thought EotB matched DM. It seemed clunky in comparison, whereas DM was slick and had some tightly-designed puzzles.
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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by Mychaelh »

'Eye of the Beholder' in regard to 'Dungeon Master' was like 'Bard's Tale' in regard to 'Wizardry'.
Kind of a clone that reduced in-depth game mechanics a little bit, but massively improved the graphics and helped to make the genre more popular.
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Re: Really enjoying this great game!!!

Post by Shiva »

krayzkrok wrote:Dungeon Master was the original example of this type of game, coming out four years before Eye of the Beholder. It introduced all the elements that you see in Grimrock, and it's clear that it's Grimrock's major inspiration. I think you have to play Dungeon Master to see it - check out one of the many clones ( "Return to Chaos" is probably the best place to start. I love the homages that Grimrock plays to Dungeon Master, but you'd miss those if you hadn't played it. To be honest I never thought EotB matched DM. It seemed clunky in comparison, whereas DM was slick and had some tightly-designed puzzles.
Discussing old games is a bit like discussing which child you like best! :-)
It seems to mostly depend on what you played first and where you have the memories from. I never played DM until a few years ago and of course I prefer EOB by miles. In fact I still play it once in a while. But I think that's because i still remember how I sat in my small room playing for hours on end - recording the dungeon on paper and even solved the puzzles even though I didn't really speak much english at that time.

I'm not saying Grimrock is perfect. But I'm enjoying it so far. It's fun, entertaining and pretty challenging. Great value of course and I do love the fact that it can be further developed.
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