How is LoG selling?

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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by dbgager »

Well the problem as I see it is if the priced it below its value...then its possible that they may not make enough money to keep developing these great old school games. I think they are going to make a lot of money however..because I have not heard a single bad review. This game has a very good chance of winning Indie game of the year.
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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by Arkhan »

LiqMat wrote:
Arkhan wrote: Yep. The good stuff has been few and far between. Big time publishers just push out junk like Skyrim because it's what sells.
I would hardly call Skyrim junk, but I agree, I am looking forward to seeing more games like LoG. One thing I did not like about Skyrim is all the dungeons were well lit and really not that terrifying. Yes, I know mods exist, but still not the same.
I found Skyrim to be a boring, unbalanced mess. Morrowind was the last Elder Scrolls game I enjoyed.

The last fight was over in like a minute! and there were so many "how did they let this slip by" glitches. <<< For all kinds of goony retro game nonsense, on PCE, MSX, and stuff

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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by xdeath »

Arkhan wrote:
LiqMat wrote:
Arkhan wrote: Yep. The good stuff has been few and far between. Big time publishers just push out junk like Skyrim because it's what sells.
I would hardly call Skyrim junk, but I agree, I am looking forward to seeing more games like LoG. One thing I did not like about Skyrim is all the dungeons were well lit and really not that terrifying. Yes, I know mods exist, but still not the same.
I found Skyrim to be a boring, unbalanced mess. Morrowind was the last Elder Scrolls game I enjoyed.

The last fight was over in like a minute! and there were so many "how did they let this slip by" glitches.
I wouldn't call it an unbalanced mess either. I understand that it may not be your "cup of tea", but that doesn't make it "junk".

Grimrock and Skyrim are very difficult to compare. They are both RPGs sure, but Skyrim is an open world RPG with incredibly deep mechanics. It involves extensive development of the Player Character.
Grimrock is more of an atmospheric Dungeon Crawler. That focuses on the development of a party of characters, it is better compared to RPGs like Dragon Age, but even those are stretches.
I would even say it be easier to compare to Borderlands than Skyrim.

Also, Bethesda isn't a Big Timer publisher, those are Ubisoft, EA, and Activision.
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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by killington »

Hey, everyone, I LOVE this game (grew up playing Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder), but cut it out with the CHARGE MORE NEXT TIME nonsense. I gladly bought this game for 12$, but if it goes up to 30$, a lot of people might drop off and they'd lose potential revenue.

Remember, money is relative. To a student, 30$ can seem like a fortune.
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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by Arkhan »

xdeath wrote: I wouldn't call it an unbalanced mess either. I understand that it may not be your "cup of tea", but that doesn't make it "junk".
I was fine with the first 3 ES games, and sorely disappointed in the last two... Oblivion and Skyrim would be my cup of tea just like the other 3, had they not been disappointing. Morrowind is one of my favorite games ever at this point.

Skyrim though... fehhh, it's like pouring salt on a wound. I maxed out blacksmithing through gooned up mechanics in ~5-10 minutes and was saddened to see that many others found this out too. I also found that enchanting and magic in general allow you to make yourself practically unstoppable as well. While dual wielding spells, you feel a bit like Rambo. At one point I ended up regenerating mana faster than I spent it, so I could just hold the buttons down and lay waste to everything around me while spinning in circles.

Hell, you can even stand there and punch that guy at the start and max out your unarmed fighting. I was also able to kill a bear barehanded (hah) faster than with a sword. I don't know many people that can punch a bear out in 3 punches. :) There were a lot of little things like this that I picked up on as I played that made me really not like the setup. OH, and lets not leave out dropping pots on peoples heads so you can steal everything. It all just feels cheap. I feel that if they had put as much effort into catching and tweaking those things as they did with their overblown Gamestop theatric commercials, the game would have felt a lot cleaner. When a game is hyped as much as Skyrim was, and you find all kinds of nonsense like I've mentioned in the game... it sort of blows. I guarantee the modding community will fix the game up, just like they did with Oblivion. :)

and, I'd barely call the mechanics incredibly deep. They're pretty shallow, cut/dry, and can end up being min-maxed by middle schoolers.

I blame Morrowind. The game was so fun, and had such an interesting mess of nonsense you could discover. It's like they peaked at Morrowind and have not been able to match it yet. Their next one should be better, I bet. It's like Morrowind was a 10, Oblivion was like, a 5. and Skyrim shot back up to around 7.5/8. So, bring on the next one!
Also, Bethesda isn't a Big Timer publisher, those are Ubisoft, EA, and Activision.
I dunno man, with all of the games they've put out recently, and all of the press, along with Skyrim being rated game of the year... I'd say they're a pretty much a big-time publisher now..

Anyway, tangent aside, my point about bringing up Skyrim is that so far, IMHO, Grimrock has a more interesting plot, and more feels more adventurous than Skyrim. Like, if I had Grimrock and Skyrim on a shelf at the store, both for 59.99$, I'd grab Grimrock first. <<< For all kinds of goony retro game nonsense, on PCE, MSX, and stuff

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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by HeavyMetalMonk »

Remember, money is relative. To a student, 30$ can seem like a fortune.
Said student should make better financial choices in life.

Live at home and work fulltime for two years after high school, saving every penny. Oh look, suddenly you can afford your entire education with living expenses.

Life isn't as hard as people make it.

But anyway, I was prepared to pay $25 for this game. When I saw preorders go up for $12 I was amazed, I bought two copies because my brother wanted one as well. The price they set it at was perfect in my opinion, because alot of people saw the price and thought "Why the hell not?" despite maybe knowing very little about the game. Most people can drop $12-15 on a blind buy and not think twice about it. Not that they'd have to, this game is awesome.
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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by spaz33 »

killington wrote:Hey, everyone, I LOVE this game (grew up playing Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder), but cut it out with the CHARGE MORE NEXT TIME nonsense. I gladly bought this game for 12$, but if it goes up to 30$, a lot of people might drop off and they'd lose potential revenue.

Remember, money is relative. To a student, 30$ can seem like a fortune.
He's right in my opinion. I didn't grow up playing the old dungeon crawlers to which LoG is paying tribute to so I had some doubts if I'd even like this one. How ever I used to play old pen & paper RPG's like D&D, RuneQuest and Ankh.

Maybe I hadn't tried LoG if the cost would have been higher. Of course now I would pay gladly more as I know LoG is so damn good. Then again this is a really good place for a developer to be. The next game they put out will surely have a bigger fanbase to begin with and they can charge a bit more if they want to.
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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by Arkhan »

HeavyMetalMonk wrote:
Remember, money is relative. To a student, 30$ can seem like a fortune.
Said student should make better financial choices in life.

Live at home and work fulltime for two years after high school, saving every penny. Oh look, suddenly you can afford your entire education with living expenses.

Life isn't as hard as people make it.

But anyway, I was prepared to pay $25 for this game. When I saw preorders go up for $12 I was amazed, I bought two copies because my brother wanted one as well. The price they set it at was perfect in my opinion, because alot of people saw the price and thought "Why the hell not?" despite maybe knowing very little about the game. Most people can drop $12-15 on a blind buy and not think twice about it. Not that they'd have to, this game is awesome.

I worked a piddly part time library job during my undergrad. Most of my money went to hotdogs, coke, and video games. :)

... I didn't live on campus. My room at home is larger than the crappy dorms they offered!

In all honesty, I saw the games wallpaper image (the 4 characters standing in the dark), looked at like, 2.5 screenshots and went "YES" and confirmed buying it. You could have told me "its a dungeon crawler" and shown me 0 screenshots. I would've bought it no questions asked. <<< For all kinds of goony retro game nonsense, on PCE, MSX, and stuff

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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by tarasis »

dbgager wrote:I think they are going to make a lot of money however..because I have not heard a single bad review. This game has a very good chance of winning Indie game of the year.
Hope so. The only bad review I came across was someones impressions over on GOG, where apparently we've all jumped on a bandwagon and aren't seeing things clearly :) The request to have a shop in the dungeon to swap out useless equipment was bemusing.
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Re: How is LoG selling?

Post by Arkhan »

tarasis wrote:
dbgager wrote:I think they are going to make a lot of money however..because I have not heard a single bad review. This game has a very good chance of winning Indie game of the year.
Hope so. The only bad review I came across was someones impressions over on GOG, where apparently we've all jumped on a bandwagon and aren't seeing things clearly :) The request to have a shop in the dungeon to swap out useless equipment was bemusing.
*facepalm* exactly do you jump on the bandwagon for a classic-style dungeon crawler?

They SHOULD put a shop in the game, and whenever you go to buy / sell anything, arrows shoot at your face and shove you out of the room.

It sounds like typical crap from someone who would also say Ultima isn't very good because you have to mix your own spells and remember what the heck the regs all do. "They should put in a menu!"

They have one already. It's called paper + pencil. :) <<< For all kinds of goony retro game nonsense, on PCE, MSX, and stuff

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