Whatever you decide to do for LoG3, please consider this...:petri wrote:It's not about money. LOG1 and LOG2 are how they are because of our preferences and vision of what kind of game we wanted to make. Even if we had 10x the budget, Grimrock games would not be modern open world (quest-based) games, which I personally don't find very interesting. In the early days of LOG2 development we tried to move into this direction, but found out we didn't like where that was leading us.Drakkan wrote:It is just matter of money at this state, question is if it is worthy or not.
The best open world games for me are Ultima IV, Ultima V and ascii roguelikes, which tell simple stories on the surface but have compelling world and gameplay. Unfortunately translating these games into modern form is hard as you always seem to lose a lot of their appeal. The abstraction in these games is a really powerful tool for unlocking player's imagination. Ok, but now I'm starting to ramble...
A reminder for developers
It's important today to use open editable format for the string files (e.g. simple plain XML files like many other successful titles do). Hard-coding everything in the exe or data files should be a deprecable practice... Especially for small budget software houses, the fan community can really help providing other languages translations or corrections at virtually no cost.