Toorum won't re...

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Toorum won't re...

Post by MrBassman1 »

Hi all,

OK, I tried it myself, then looked (very much AGAINST my nature) at hints everywhere online to see if I was doing something wrong. Nope... all anybody says is that, to resurrect Toorum (free his soul, whatever), you "use" his remains on the Crystal of Life. I assume that means pick them up, hold them over the crystal, and drop them onto it. Dozens of times I have tried, and flat nothing happens. Are we talking a bug here? (iPad version, FYI) Or does "use" mean something I haven't learned how to do yet?

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Re: Toorum won't re...

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Toorum can't be resurrected. What you can do is enable him as a playable character.
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Re: Toorum won't re...

Post by MrBassman1 »

OK thanks, correction well taken. So how do I do THAT?
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Re: Toorum won't re...

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

MrBassman1 wrote:OK thanks, correction well taken. So how do I do THAT?
AFAIK, you need to pick up the remains of Toorum (so they become the mouse cursor), then click on an *active* healing crystal:

I don't know if there's any feedback from the game, though.
(other than the Steam achievement)
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Re: Toorum won't re...

Post by THOM »

You will get an ingame message and after that you can replay the game in Toorum's mode, which means if you create a costum party at the beginning and name the first champion "Toorum" you will play the game only with him. He has special starting-abilities and walks faster.
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Re: Toorum won't re...

Post by MrBassman1 »

Wow, thanks to all for the fast replies. So here's where my issue comes into play. I pick up Toorum's remains (keep in mind, this is the iPad version, so no mouse cursor). Then, I hold them over an active Crystal of Life, release, AND... nothing happens. No response from the game, no message, no "something something is unlocked"... nothing. And after reading other forums, it SOUNDS as though the iPad version still allows the secret achievement, as I guess it's supposed to be. So again, a bug? Or something that I'M doing wrong?

Thanks again
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