So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic System

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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by Rorrik »

fuzbaul wrote:Only trouble I had was I was levelling skills faster then I was getting scrolls to tell me what the spells are - which means you have to engage in random casting to try and work them out
But I love this, I purposely pushed for spells that I didn't think I'd ever get a scroll for so I could experiment.

light and dark, not so great, but now my mage can hold a spear instead of a torch.
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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by Arctor »

Henkie wrote:Its fun... but I rather see that it remembers the last spell I used rather than a reset when a spell is cast.
When you have a lot of different spells, this would quickly become a nightmare. :lol:
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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by earthyearth »

how many total spells are there?
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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by Scorcher24 »

earthyearth wrote:how many total spells are there?
Look here.

I like the Magic System. It is okay.
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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by pcgneurotic »

Well I'm screwed with it. My guys levelled once already, except my mage, who hasn't been able to cast anything yet! I put four points into his 'general magic ability' at character gen, but can't get him to successfully cast anything. Anyone know a very basic spell he can practise?

Edit: Ok, he just hit level 2 and got his four points which I put into fire and ice. Good to know - max Spellcraft at character gen seems to leave you unable to cast until you level once. :D
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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by Radioman970 »

I like the magic system. But my fav magic system of all time is Arx Fatalis. that one is outstanding, in my opinion. First time I did the spell to light torches I knew it was something special. it should be shamelessly copied! :P
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by Radioman970 »

Dalton wrote:
Stalkingwolf wrote:the EOB system was fail. You had to know what enemies are in the area to pre select your spells.
And if you used all your spells, you had to run away to rest, or start melee hacking on them.
It wasn't "fail", it was a challenge. That's the reason why "choosing spells from a list" didn't make the game easy-mode, because you still had to do all that planning and play very conservatively.

If they let you "choose spells from a list" but you also used a mana system so there was no planning, then it would lack challenge. That's why games with mana used runes instead.
Well said! No offense to anyone, but the loss of this way of thinking is what's wrong with gaming today. I'd love to get my butt whipped over and over (thank you sir, may I have another) and just turn the game off, completely PO'd. Then come back later and try a different strategy, and suddenly I'm moving again. Easy games are a dime a dozen these days. When they removed food/water necessity out of RPGs they really cut the challenge down.

That's why I like the AF magic system so much. You had to actually do something challenging to get those spells. They didn't just work when you pressed the button, like most other RPGs today.
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by schallmau3r »

i like them too, i wish there were more useful spells tho. Like low, medium and high damage (like it was in DM when the first rune set the power of the spell).

I haven't finishes LoG yet but i found Ice & Fire to be the most effective i didn't bother with earth beyond poison cloud nor with Air. There might be some enemies which are imune to ice AND fire but i doubt that =) Then again...they will not resist steel ;)
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Re: So, what do you think of the Legend of Grimrock Magic Sy

Post by Casey »

Loved the system, especially how the runes had meanings to them, so you didn't have to remember combinations.
pcgneurotic wrote:Well I'm screwed with it. My guys levelled once already, except my mage, who hasn't been able to cast anything yet! I put four points into his 'general magic ability' at character gen, but can't get him to successfully cast anything. Anyone know a very basic spell he can practise?

Edit: Ok, he just hit level 2 and got his four points which I put into fire and ice. Good to know - max Spellcraft at character gen seems to leave you unable to cast until you level once. :D
I used spears for my mages at the very beginning, they're ranged melee and work from the rear. :D
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