Tomb of the Designers

This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Tomb of the Designers

Post by citizendog »

After I have repaired this mad mechanical cube, which seems to be really undestroyable, I rushed through a new portal, that brought me to the Tomb of the Designers. I found 3 hidden switches in the hallway but I just cannot figure out how to pass through. Edit: I managed to open to door by randomly pressing buttons. Not sure how I managed it.
Any hints for the ITTNA OHUJ IRTEP ILLO riddle? I am thinking about anagrams or alphabetic tricks...
Edit: I solved even this :-) I guess I should be patient like in the 80's again haha.
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by joshgood704 »

Would you mind pointing out exactly how?
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by Millaren »

can you post the answer to question 2. i not even sure how to answer it ingame.
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by vorvek »

If I'm not mistaken, those words are the names of the developers spelled backwards. Haven't reached that point in the game yet, so I can't say whether it's a riddle or just an easter egg.
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by sojubomb »

turn off the lights
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by sassbits »

I just saw a mod with the nickname 'antti' and it's called the tomb of the 'designers' - it's an easter egg buddy!
In darkness lies the weapon of power. Come on you've come so far, this one is easy!! Extinguish the torches, it might work with a darkness spell too, but I haven't tried that.
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by Hajostoned »

Hey Guys,

man the game is great. I already sunk over 13h into it, but now im completly stuck.
I also released the MadCube and fled into the Tomb of Designers. I managed to get through the hallway of designers and took the ornament key from the right corridor with all the traps on the walls. The left corridor i cannot get my head around how to solve it. Well the first pit is fairly easy closed with a thrown item, but what about the second pit? I have looked all over the place, tried everything possible with the portal, but nothing seems to work. Picture below.
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by Breogan »

Hajostoned wrote:Hey Guys,

man the game is great. I already sunk over 13h into it, but now im completly stuck.
I also released the MadCube and fled into the Tomb of Designers. I managed to get through the hallway of designers and took the ornament key from the right corridor with all the traps on the walls. The left corridor i cannot get my head around how to solve it. Well the first pit is fairly easy closed with a thrown item, but what about the second pit? I have looked all over the place, tried everything possible with the portal, but nothing seems to work. Picture below.
There's a button an the left wall where the teleporter is.
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by Hajostoned »

*facepalm* I bet, i had that figured if i had slept over it. *g*
Sooo obvious. :mrgreen:
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Re: Tomb of the Designers

Post by CV77 »

I obtained the Weapon of Power by sheer blind luck.
I've read the scroll about a weapon lying in darkness but I thought it's somewhere else on the level, which at that point was still mostly unexplored. So I did following:

First, I always removed torches from sconces throughout the game (or put a torch in an empty one), just to be sure. It paid off several times. So I removed the one in the Hall of Designers too without thinking about it too much.

Then I accidentaly (!) stopped in front of the altar to check my map for a possible hiding place of the Weapon. While checking, my Light spell wore off and the Weapon appeared in front of me :)

Mind you, the Light spell last quite long and I would've closed the map in a few seconds, so it was really incredible. If it wasn't for this crazy coincidence, I might have been still running around lvl 11 trying to access some secret cache with the Weapon :))

And what's even funnier, I first thought the Weapon appeared because I waited long enough :) (remember, there's a Iron Door somewhere that opens only when you wait, so I thought it's the same mechanics). Only when I read this thread I did a facepalm. Double facepalm :)
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