I'm going to make tome skins for the fighter & mage classes and also one for the general category.
Code: Select all
name = "loot_crate",
baseObject = "barrel_crate_block",
onDie = function(object)
lootCrate.breakCrate(object.level, object.x, object.y)
Code: Select all
function getLoot()
local loot = {"arrow", "baked_maggot", "pitroot_bread"}
return loot[math.random(1, table.getn(loot))]
Code: Select all
function breakCrate(level, x, y)
local facing = (party.facing +2) %4
spawn(global_functions.getLoot(), level, x, y, facing)
Oooh, that's looks very nice.Batty wrote:Here is a preliminary retextured tome for the Rogue class (meant to change the color from blue to something stealthy but forgot):
I'm going to make tome skins for the fighter & mage classes and also one for the general category.
*pats on the back* There there D:SpacialKatana wrote:I've been beaten down so bad nothing is gonna help me right now.
Fixed.It seems the Tome of Agility has an error in the game text. It should say "dexterity +2", but it says "agility +2".