TheLastOrder wrote:Tho, five different testers went through it with no problems. I reviewed
the hole puzzle and scripting (it's actually done with basic connectors, mostly) and there's no way you can't stuck... so I'm gonna do
the walkthrough

Totally understand. I felt very similar about my Myst Demo, especially since all
the major puzzles could be solved with an existing Myst Walkthrough. However,
the world of gaming is changing faster each year, and that whole "instant gratification" thing that applied primarily to
the FPS Genre (Battlefield, Call of Duty, etc) is now rampant across multiple platforms and genres; I blame phone app's (ie, Clash of Clans).
For games like Grimrock (lengthy RPG's with puzzle solving), a Walkthrough allows those instant gratification gamers to get their fix as they enjoy your creation from start to finish; while providing an extra resource for classic gamers who pursue
the old school lengthy experience. Na' mean?