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Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:01 am
by sprawler
-Make in more wide open area/ similar to ishar
-when doings large open area's try not make gimrorock like modern rpg's : large cities with lots of npc's , quest and subquest , insted make it more odlschool like Ishar. Less npc's , lots of location do go on begining , some minor tips where to go. Lot of monster lurking in land , some crazy mage swating for you in swamp or huge scary beasts waiting in middle of forest . Some old school stuff like it
- optional locations
-optional hidden mosnters(bosses)
- Traveling between islands , like ishar 2 (snow island , jungle island , undead land....)
- option to create party or create single charatcer and recruti them in game (more interesting race's like orcs , dark knights...)
-thiefs , pick locking , disram traps , detecting traps
- no spiders

- movment of party like in grimrock 1 old school, only little faster , beacuse big open are's require a lot of movment and fast
- casting spells, first mage has to have right level for spell example : level 7 , then you have to choose right runes , and then you can memorize spells and you save them in quick slot without using runes all of the time .
-cleric class / remove crystalls
- new game + , new sets of monsters(each monster would have types :orc warriors in normal mode , orc berserkers in new game + etc) , some minor changes in locations.
Sorry for my english

,one more thing , if other forum members have some ideas post them here
Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:36 pm
by Trap
To expand on LoG I think it would be cool if they design the world outside of the dungeon..
and the chaos they have to deal with after surviving their sentence.
The world could be huge and spread out.. we have already seen an airship..
Would be cool to see some of the following environments and things:
Open fields
Crypts / Graveyards
Mountains with caves on hard to reach high ledges looking out ( maybe once you steal an airship!

Rivers & Waterfalls
Caves And More Dungeons
Towns & shops - blacksmith / magic shop / tavern
Snow / lava
Deserts / Islands
boats / airships.. I mean this list can go on and on..
Basically..I think the coolest thing to see in the end is basically a HUGE world to explore with
lots of different environments, monsters, puzzles, optionable quests but following the storyline
still and maybe it unfolds some more..

ALL free roam too including NPC interaction involving
talking to others with choices how to respond.. ;p
Import / Export individual characters*** I think NWN2 storm of zehir had a cool system where in the Tavern you could create all kinds of new characters and switch members out.. I would
make characters for the longest times and not even play the main part of the game lol...
Different sounds for many different items when you move them around in your inventory** ( sure they are probably already doing that

Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:21 pm
by mikhelee
Same for me here, somehow Grimrock make me want to play it again. Not for the secrets, not for characters or story, but for the overall atmosphere. I enjoy just fooling around in Mount Grimrock, looking at the details here and there even if it's walls are generic. Once I get my hand on the editor, I'll try to do just that a dungeon that you play at a slow pace, thinking and looking.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:44 am
by Raggie
I ditto the sentiments above. I'd love a variety of environments! Something I loved in Lands of Lore and Might and Magic.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:20 am
by Darklord
The Ishar's are some of my favourite games, I would really enjoy any kind of similar game to them. Of course that would be quite a change of game style.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:42 am
by Raggie
Darklord wrote:The Ishar's are some of my favourite games, I would really enjoy any kind of similar game to them. Of course that would be quite a change of game style.
IMO that's why it's a great idea for a sequel. I don't think there's enough room for development in the graphics and game engine to warrant a sequel, and the editor will cover the needs for more dungeons. I think if there's going to be a sequel, it should have a different style of gameplay.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:17 am
by xdeath
Raggie wrote:IMO that's why it's a great idea for a sequel. I don't think there's enough room for development in the graphics and game engine to warrant a sequel, and the editor will cover the needs for more dungeons. I think if there's going to be a sequel, it should have a different style of gameplay.
That is a valid point.
It would be nice to have a few expansions for LoG 1 though. In the spirit of the way that EOB did it's sequels, where you could import your party from the previous game.
Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:49 pm
by Neikun
I'm fairly certain the devs are working on something of a different flavour now.
They were very smart to release the editor.
With it, they can keep their first game alive for virtually ever, while at the same time, always being welcome to design new assets for use in the game for the community at any time.
I envision the team releasing custom asset packs of their own that they made in spare time (lol what spare time, have you seen how fast these guys work?)
Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:29 am
by Raggie
How about a re-theme? Use the same engine and play style, but a different milieu?
Sci-fi would be an obvious choice, but I'd prefer something less obvious. How about horror? Explore graveyards, crypts, haunted mansions and vampire castles? The time period could be medieval, Victorian or even modern-day. Maybe something in the line of Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider. You could explore pyramids, discover the Atlantis etc. There are endless possibilities for different settings!
Re: Legend of Grimrock 2 suggestions
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:19 pm
by Ciccipicci
I love Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, especially the map ingame and the high customization. I fall in love with Grimrock and its editor and I hope that someday, there will be a map similar with the ones mentioned before. A dynamic map where we can put all of our mods. It implicates an exterior world where to travel and so on. It would be, thinking in "minecraft ways" how large can be our customized world, maybe choosing for each mod in what point placing it... but maybe I'm a 30 years old with weird ideas