Ichthyic wrote:AngelFist wrote:I think its okay the way it is.
Maximum pre Dex Potions is around 55.
yeesh, I was using a mino and only managed to get my total strength up to 40, even with pots and everything to boost it.
how did you manage to get dex to 55?
No, not Dex 55,
evasion 55. If you craft and use dex ptions your evade will rise. Thats what i meant.
I think the balance is very good now. Nothing stops an high evade charakter from wearing heavy armor (you just need 4 sklil points for armor skill) you can max dodge skill and max weapon skill.
So a semi Tank has: 4 Armor, 5 Dodge and 5 Weapon Skill.
If you want a full Tank its possible, too. Put the points from weapon skill into athletics.
If they buff Evade Skill to 5 points per lvl. It simply would be too strong.
25 evade (buffed dodge skill) or 100 HP (athletic skill) its a no brainer...25 evade are worth a lot more (given the fact, that you still run 300HP and a protection of around 100)
15 evade (dodge skill) or 100 HP (athletic skill) is a matter of decision (testing reveals 15 evade to be superior, when you have 300HP and 100 protection)
My impression is, you just want to make a frontline rogue viable. On Normal he is, on hard he shouldn´t. At least in my Books.
Dex based Frontline Tanks are perfectly viable on hard mode (Ratling knight with dagger and shield).