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Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of DEX

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:40 am
by maethlin
I've seen a lot of questions about this but no definitive answers... A dev posted that ranged weapons automatically hit and that STR does give you a bonus to damage. Does this mean that the best ranged specialist is actually a minotaur that puts all his points into STR and avoids DEX altogether? Also it seems that missile weapons skill gives DEX bonus... Is it correct to say that these DEX bonuses confer no offensive advantage at all to missile attacks?

People are making very DEX heavy sharpshooters and if this is essentially going to gimp the character it should probably be clarified up front before folks invest a lot of effort into raising their DEX.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:51 am
by Durin
+1 :D

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:37 am
by DarcyW
+1 ;)

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:09 am
by ChrisColon
Oh no, I've put every point I was able to into dexterity with my ranged fighter. I just assumed dexterity was for ranged fighters because of other RPGs.

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:23 am
by killington
I honestly think people are putting too much thought into it.

Missile Weapons level dex: So dex increases damage on missile weapons.
Thrown Weapons level str: So str increases damage on thrown weapons.

I think this is just so that you dont HAVE to be a lizardman to be effective as a rogue. I made the mistake when making my character and didnt notice until about an hour in. Now I have a thrown weapon lizardman with like 13 str and 20 dex, and he still does fine damage, so it's whatevers. Next playthrough I'll know.

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:34 am
by maethlin
This isnt a matter of overthinking or nitpicking. A dev very clearly stated on a thread that they removed any hit/miss calculations on ranged attacks.

Im not sure where you got info that dex increases missile damage as I havent read that definitively anywhere. If thats the case, im fine with it but would like to see it stated in docs or dev statement.

Again, this is hardly a minor point. If STR affected only your hit points and WIL affected only ranged damage or something equally unintuitive I think people would like that stated explicitly.
killington wrote:I honestly think people are putting too much thought into it.

Missile Weapons level dex: So dex increases damage on missile weapons.
Thrown Weapons level str: So str increases damage on thrown weapons.

I think this is just so that you dont HAVE to be a lizardman to be effective as a rogue. I made the mistake when making my character and didnt notice until about an hour in. Now I have a thrown weapon lizardman with like 13 str and 20 dex, and he still does fine damage, so it's whatevers. Next playthrough I'll know.

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:39 am
by maethlin
P.S. If indeed you know dex to increase damage for missile and str for thrown, please do state where that info could be found because that can really help clear things up.

The info about ranged being an automatic hit was started by a developer in a thread - will link out as soon as I can find it again.

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:46 am
by Dalton
I'm okay with my dex-heavy rogue. Ya know why? If my fighter gets hurt and I need to stick her in the front row for a bit, she is craploads of evasion.

Meanwhile, missile weapons have some pretty naturally high damage output (don't want to spoil it but it's pretty big) and it's further helped by me having the 'Aggressive' trait for more raw damage output. So in the end, missile weapons still do heavy damage AND also never miss.

If your party gets sideswiped and you've got some minotaur archer with no dex he could very well end up dead before you even react since he can't dodge. That's the price you pay if you want pure strength.

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:12 am
by killington

Re: Dear Devs, great game but need clarification on role of

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:25 am
by regomar
I would also like to know the answer to this question.