I've had it with this game (Spoilers)

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I've had it with this game (Spoilers)

Post by Juvante »

I hate this game. After several hours and getting down to level 9, Goromorg Temple, I've come to the conclusion that it was made by an extremely sadistic dev. All the initial fun I had with the game has completely drained out of me and turned into disgust.

Instead of solving puzzles, I'm spending most of my time playing hide and seek with a goddamn button the size of a quarter, retracing my steps over and over again with barely any clues or leads. Alot of the time, you cannot even progress until you've scanned 500+ wall faces to find ONE button.

I'm stuck on 3 puzzles which don't give you any reasonable gd clues that makes any coherent sense at all.

1. Fighter's Challenge......a f'n door with a one liner message saying "Fighter's Challenge".....REALLY? GEE, that really helps! You're stuck on one tile and have no secret switches or panels to press.....nothing at all.

Bash the door, bash the wall, bash my companions against the door, nope! Throw a gauntlet down on the floor, nope! Strip naked? Nope! Fling magic at it, use the fire sword, NOPE! Rest at the door? NOPE! Use every item in my inventory?! NOPE! Scan the entire floor above it, looking at every wall painstakingly!? NOPE! What the fuck?! This puzzle right here killed the fun factor for me and made me think the dev was a huge asshat that likes wasting peoples time. You don't give me any f'n leads so I'm left with zero solutions. Who the hell in their right mind would want to scan 500+ wall faces to get past one goddamn door? I did it anyway because I have enormous amounts of patience but I've had it.

2. Torch Shadow Puzzle

Stand where the shadows of the torches cross and throw a stone with all your might to the east and north, blah blah blah. Ok, So I used process of elimination and went to EVERY SINGLE TILE in that room, threw a rock east and north using my compass to guide me.....guess what...NOTHING HAPPENED. So that lead me to believe that it was trying to be clever and suggest something else entirely. WELL, you cannot throw a rock diagonally...so I have no goddamn idea. All this work to get one plate chest piece that looks like it matches the helmet that I found.

3. Pillared Hallway, fuck this room.

After you walk on the 9th tile, it throws you back to the beginning. Ok, so I experiment by walking all over the room for about 10 minutes straight. Then I try putting items on the floor to see if anything moves, NADA! NOPE! I keep hearing flame guardian sounds but that doesn't help me at all. I fling rocks, shoot my crossbow, I try everything. Backtrack to look at EVERY SINGLE wall face. Nothing f'n works. I even tried the scroll that says III-II-I-III but I think that was for outer sanctum anyway. Sadistic game dev. There's not even a piece of paper from that Toolum guy describing ANYTHING, I guess the bloke died and never got this far. Hey asshole from my dream! What do I do!!?? "Silence"....Guess you won't be getting out then dickhead!!!

I don't care about all the people orgasming over this game or what review ratings it gets.....the extremely punishing difficulty isn't from the combat but from the cryptic and poorly constructed riddles. And it kills the fun factor completely. I would not recommend this game to anyone I know. When you make riddles and puzzles, you gotta give better f'n leads or you just end up wasting peoples time. Challenge is great but self inflicted torture isn't. :evil:

One of the puzzles that made me rage:

Mage's Entrance.....Oh you mean I have to use a *STEEL SWORD* THAT A WARRIOR USES but with fire enchantment? A frostbolt won't work huh? Brilliant puzzle there dev, brilliant. Its things like that, that just make me throw the game down in disgust, terrible riddle/puzzle combo's that don't connect well.

Some puzzles that made good sense:

A rock must fly, ok yea that is a good riddle/puzzle combo. Easy but it gives to a good idea of what you have to do.

A lone pillar in the dark.

Feed me.

Cure my sight.

Checkered Room.

Some others that I cannot remember.

But then it just got too hard and cryptic. Making it impossible to progress at a reasonable rate before boredom set in. I'm done, moving on. I'd rather rage quit than cheat and look up the solution because it would defeat the purpose of the game entirely. You made your game way too fucking cryptic and tedious.
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Re: I've had it with this game (Spoilers)

Post by Darklord »

Sorry to hear that Juvante. Many people absolutely loved the game how it is, everyone is different though.

Your reaction however is quite extreme, rather than have many upset people, I shall lock this thread before it turns into a flame war.

I hope you enjoy whatever game you play next. :)

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