-when doings large open area's try not make gimrorock like modern rpg's : large cities with lots of npc's , quest and subquest , insted make it more odlschool like Ishar. Less npc's , lots of location do go on begining , some minor tips where to go. Lot of monster lurking in land , some crazy mage swating for you in swamp or huge scary beasts waiting in middle of forest . Some old school stuff like it

- optional locations
-optional hidden mosnters(bosses)
- Traveling between islands , like ishar 2 (snow island , jungle island , undead land....)
- option to create party or create single charatcer and recruti them in game (more interesting race's like orcs , dark knights...)
-thiefs , pick locking , disram traps , detecting traps
- no spiders

- movment of party like in grimrock 1 old school, only little faster , beacuse big open are's require a lot of movment and fast

- casting spells, first mage has to have right level for spell example : level 7 , then you have to choose right runes , and then you can memorize spells and you save them in quick slot without using runes all of the time .
-cleric class / remove crystalls
- new game + , new sets of monsters(each monster would have types :orc warriors in normal mode , orc berserkers in new game + etc) , some minor changes in locations.
Sorry for my english