[MOD] Lost City

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[MOD] Lost City

Post by Adrageron »

In search of a legendary elixir of youth, you hired a ship and set sail to the unknown waters of the Storm sea...
Open world adventure for a new party. Contains 20+ levels, one of wich is some sort of a town (quests, shop, etc.). Lots of secrets, puzzles and bosses. 3 different endings and 2 "secret" ways to win.
Expected playtime: 30-45 hours.

Welcome to the lost city of Al-Ator! Can you find the elixir? And more importantly, can you leave this place alive?

Few hints:
- Mod is quite challenging, it is recommended to choose easy or normal difficulty setting. Choose hard difficulty at your own risk >;)
- Alchemy and Air Magic skills can come in handy.
- The most obvious way is not always the easiest one.
- If the opponent is too strong - postpone this battle and look for weaker rivals.
-Try to save part of the consumables, they will be very useful in the later stages of the game.
- Watch for food supplies, characters can die of hunger.

Any feedback is welcome :)

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Last edited by Adrageron on Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:15 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by Isaac »

Looks really nice so far. I'm liking it a lot. 8-)

There are minor cosmetic holes and asset clipping here and there, where some assetd don't play nice with others in their default positioning. Most of this is fixable via script; but so far none really needs it.

Standing on the pier allows one to see past the end of the ocean object. The pier itself could be raised just a bit, to remove the slight fall when climbing on to it.
The bridge allows the Troll to be one-shot killed (by purposely falling on it) —that can't be as intended, I think.
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by Adrageron »

Isaac wrote:Looks really nice so far. I'm liking it a lot. 8-)
Thank you for feedback, I glad that you like it :)
There are minor cosmetic holes and asset clipping here and there, where some assetd don't play nice with others in their default positioning. Most of this is fixable via script; but so far none really needs it.
I am not a script master :oops:
Standing on the pier allows one to see past the end of the ocean object. The pier itself could be raised just a bit, to remove the slight fall when climbing on to it.
Do you mean raising terrain level? But this will dry water under the pier :(
The bridge allows the Troll to be one-shot killed (by purposely falling on it) —that can't be as intended, I think.
Yes, I know that. I did not find an easy way to prevent this, so just left it as is. A little bonus for a lucky jumpers :)
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by Isaac »

Adrageron wrote:Yes, I know that. I did not find an easy way to prevent this, so just left it as is. A little bonus for a lucky jumpers :)
The fixes for all of the mentioned issues would come from scripting. The asset clipping and holes can be fixed by nudging the object world positions in script when the map is loaded.
There might be an easy fix for the troll; I'll test it, and update my post on it when I get home in an hour or so... ;)
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by Adrageron »

v.1.1. is released
- Upper pyramid levels are upgraded
- Added some new puzzles and secrets
- Added spell of Water Breathing for brave Sunken City explorers ;)
- Some cosmetic fixes
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by Adrageron »

v.1.2. released
- Fixed prison area of the Undertemple
- Added new secret
- Some cosmetic improvements, typo fixes and balance tweaks
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by Adrageron »

Version 1.3 is released.
- Added some new areas, secrets, treasures, puzzles and loot here and there
- Major update of Caves of Despair level
- Added death from hunger, feed your adventurers well!
- Some endgame battles are rebalanced
- Fixed unsolvable puzzle in Crypt (the one with blobs)
- Fixed unreachable lock picks in the Severs
- Fixed some typos and visual glitches
- Lots of cosmetic improvements
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by hansbleeb »

ok i started over again..
good mod and atmosphere
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by matuto »

Hi Adrageron and folks. Really a superb mod. Hours of brain storm. I managed to reach the top of the pyramid but it appears that there is no great finale. Am I correct ? There is no end, final big boss and the classic boarding the sky-ship scene ? A last question: in the alchemist lab I don't know if I placed all the correct ingredients nor the positive result. A secret ? You should add "success sounds" item by item. Poignon poiton shoud be the "brew of the beast" ? Which is the "serpent's gift: poignon potion or tail ? A walkthrough would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance and advise about your next mod. I am interested in it already.
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Re: [MOD] Lost City

Post by Adrageron »

Thanx for feedback, guys!
@matuto: It is a finale and cinematics along with the final boss, but they are not on the pyramid top ;)
In the laboratory I specifically do not let player know which of the ingredients is correct. This is a complex and unnecessary task, you can finish mod without it. To check if the whole set of ingredients is correct, just press the button.
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