Check out the 105 spells for grimrock 2 version 2.2.4 here : Nexus Mods
I share a test dungeon with the spells assets so you can easily install and try it.
You can also find on this page a playable integration of the spells pack in the main campaign Isle of Nex: Magic of Grimrock
You can also get this campaign from: Steam Workshop
(Be careful, it seems Steam will not update your local copy of the mod to the last published version unless you unsubscribe then resubscribe.)
If you want to play it, I would advise to build a party with 2 or more casters, of course

The goals I try to achieve with those spells :
- As I wish to make a mod for characters with higher levels than the main campaign of Grimrock 2, and also to make a wider range of character builds viable, I added multiple magic schools spells, so there are 5 additional spells for each combination of the four elemental magic schools.
- Some spells could be considered severely overpowered in this pack, but they were thought as "keys" to unlock progression in an open world design.
- I include willpower as a scaling factor in the power of spells.
- some other items all around to test various effects such as the new enchantments spells.
- note that I changed some of the original spells gestures to match the new philosophy of multi-schools spells.

I welcome any feedback about the coding or design aspects you could have. Let me know for example what you think is too powerful or too weak and how you would balance it.
The general formula for spells power (damage, heal, duration...) is :
- For a dual magic schools spell : baseValue * (1 + (skillLevel1 + skillLevel2)/5 + champion:getCurrentStat("willpower")/50)
- For a triple magic schools spell : baseValue * (1 + (skillLevel1 + skillLevel2 + skillLevel3)/5 + champion:getCurrentStat("willpower")/50)
- For a quadruple magic schools spell : baseValue * (1 + (skillLevel1 + skillLevel2 + skillLevel3 + skillLevel4)/5 + champion:getCurrentStat("willpower")/50)