LoG1 assets in LoG2

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LoG1 assets in LoG2

Post by Tarbel »

Is it possible to utilize items from Grimrock 1 in Graimrock 2? If so is there a step by step process I can follow? For example I would like to add the Gladiator statues. I saw in the asset pack (in the Grimrock 1 section) there are reference to 2 of the four statues. However I don’t know how to utilize the information that I found.

Thanks Tarbel
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Re: LoG1 assets in LoG2

Post by minmay »

Models: IIRC model format hasn't changed, if it has you can probably use this Blender plugin to convert.
Animations: animation format has changed, the same Blender plugin should work to convert most animations.
Textures: normal maps use a different format. Read Batty's post here. Leki's post in that thread is wrong, his instructions will give you a screwed up (but fixable) map. No changes are needed for diffuse/specular maps.
Asset definitions: no, you'll want to rewrite them
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Re: LoG1 assets in LoG2

Post by Tarbel »

Thank you minmay. I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew. While I appreciate your attempt to help me, I may not be as versed in modding as you think I am.

After downloading the Blender stuff, I realize I have no idea how to work it or what it does. Many people are referencing LoG1 editor, assuming knowledge of the earlier editor is a given. I have watched the 12 tutorials. I have never modded before. I did not know this stuff at one time, and forgot it, so that all I need is a reminder. I have had some programing experience (from the 80's and 90's).

Is there a book or manual I can read? It has been my experience, that if you ask an advanced programmer a simple question, you will get an advance answer. That's fine, but I am not advanced.

Did I start in the middle, where is the beginners area?

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Re: LoG1 assets in LoG2

Post by Leki »

Download LoG 2 Asset pack 2 here: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9505#p91499

In scripts foldef find forest and forest statue. Use some editor for that, e.g. Notepad++ :http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
There is forest statue object definition:

Code: Select all

	name = "forest_statue_pillar_01",
	baseObject = "base_pillar",
	components = {
			class = "Model",
			model = "assets/models/env/forest_statue_pillar_01.fbx",
			staticShadow = true,
	minimalSaveState = true,
In LoG 1 scripts find materials foder and materials file.
There is material definition for "gladiator_statue":

Code: Select all

	name = "gladiator_statue",
	diffuseMap = "assets/textures/props/gladiator_statue_dif.tga",
	specularMap = "assets/textures/props/gladiator_statue_spec.tga",
	normalMap = "assets/textures/props/gladiator_statue_normal.tga",
	doubleSided = false,
	lighting = true,
	alphaTest = false,
	blendMode = "Opaque",
	textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
	glossiness = 20,
	depthBias = 0,
You can use these definitions as a refference to make yours own LoG2 gladiator statue.

How to:
In general, you have to copy gladiator statue model and textures from LoG1 assets into yours "mod_assets/my_gladiator_statue/" folder.
Change normalmap "from blue to green" using Gimp or another tool.
Create script file using notepad++ and add object and material definitions. Material definition has the same structure, so you can copy it. Object definition is different, you you must adapt it.
Change paths to model and textures. e.g. from "assets/textures/env/forest_statue_dif.tga" to "mod_assets/my_gladiator_statue/my_gladiator_statue_dif.tga"
You can see gladiator statue in game, but there is wall behind. But you wanna only statue.
Open blender, import model you copied from LoG1 assetpack into your asset folder, delete wall and parts you no need. Save model.
Run game, statue is there. It's a pillar, but you can change position by changing baseObject = "base_pillar" to "base_wall_decoration" - you can experiment with it.[/color]
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