viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6742 that wall of sound. I am currently in the process of making a Mod for LoG2 and I absolutely must implement your sound wall. May I borrow it purty please?

Code: Select all
xpvals = {50,100,200}
for k,v in ipairs(xpvals) do
name = "xpgain"..v,
emitters = {
objectSpace = true,
spawnBurst = true,
maxParticles = 1,
boxMin = {0,0,20},
boxMax = {0,0,20},
sprayAngle = {0,0},
velocity = {0,0},
texture = "mod_assets/textures/particles/xp"..v..".tga",
lifetime = {1.9,1.9},
color0 = {1, 1, 1},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.9,
fadeOut = 0.9,
size = {v/50, v/50},
gravity = {0,0,-44},
airResistance = 4,
rotationSpeed = v/25,
blendMode = "Translucent",
depthBias = -2,